Ellison Geneology

Helen Barber Ellison 1958 Diary
Letters from Geo Ellison
Emmaline 1925 Diary
Emmaline 1930 Diary
Emmaline 1931 & 1932 Diary
Emmaline 1932 Diary
Emmaline 1933 Diary
Emmaline 1934 Diary
Emmaline Eulalia Sincebaugh Ellison Diaries 1942 - 1946
Helen Diary1952
Helen Diary 1953
Helen Diary1954
Helen Diary 1955
Helen Diary 1956
Helen Diary 1957
Helen Barber Ellison 1958 Diary
Helen Barber Ellison 1959 Diary
Family Tree
News Paper Articles
Family Photo Album
Love letters
Letter Violetta Ellison
About Me
Contact Me

Helen Elizabeth Barber Ellison



Jan 1 Jean Ellison's birthday. A nice day turning colder in afternoon. Gave Jean a breast pin with earrings to match. While I was over there Geo took Fred's car & got started. When I came home car stalled and when I got it going went after gas. While I was gone Geo came home & dressed all up and Fred took him to Carr's. I drove downtown & saw him in the Rutland Hotel. It began to snow about 9:30 & was very slippery. John stopped at 12:20 he is working from 12:00 to 8:00. Had a half turkey for dinner. Made a lemon pie and whipped cream & jello. Geo came in after 2.

Jan 2 Ann Hyzik's birthday. Cold. We feel it as its been so very nice for this time of year. Geo must have stopped and got his pay last night for his check was cashed. Got our license 427CG 19.00. He gave me 50.00 check was 150.48 got meat 9.03. 15 silver dollars gas 3.00 paint 1.48 diary .69, 2 time books .90 got Dolores 10# hamburg 4.52 & Betty 3#. Dolores came down & is feeling terrible. Stomach pains. Think she has intestinal grippe. Betty paid me for meat and what she borrowed. Geo gave 5 silver dollars to bar tender in Griska's, went after Fred.

Jan 3 # Very cold sunny day. Geo got up early for him. I read in bed till 10:30. George put new plates on car cut the Ellison's hair and at 11:55 left for beer joint. Dinner was already. Mistaken went but didn't drink. Got pop & bread. Said he had trouble starting car. I cleaned upstairs. He went to work said it was too cold for me to go after groceries. Betty went up to Audrey's & paid their bill then to Dolores's so there was no car here if I went and if car stalled no car to help out. Stayed up and saw a very good movie. “Bells of St. Mary”. Geo cut the Ellison's boys hair.

Jan 4 Audrey Barber's birthday. Sunny and pleasantly cold. Went after groceries at noon. Up to Dolores. She was very sick Thurs night. Came home at 2. Geo asleep on couch. Put groceries away & read paper. About 3 went downtown. Got dress & shoes also oil cloth for Dolores. Geo blew up when I came home because I was going up to Dolores. Got supper & he went to bed. Got up three to eat. Saw late movie but didn't care too much for it.

Jan 5 # Sunny and cold I didn't go to church. Straightened thro washed and more or less puddled around. Betty & Kenny went to church. Hamburg for dinner altho Dolores asked us up for roast beef.

Jan 6 # Not so cold. Betty hung her clothes outside and they got all dry. I cleaned the end of the pantry and painted. Almost as much work as all the rest. In afternoon got weather striping for back door and front door threshold 2.50 – 3.10 flat iron 3.50. Went up to Dolores for an hour made a pudding of cherries. Stopped & got cigarettes & celery 2.52. Had beef stew for supper. George says it gave him heartburn. I ate a banana & it gave me heartburn.

Jan 7 A little snow not too cold. Called up to Dolores. Stopped at drug store 60 & doctors for medicine for her. Did not stay. Went to lodge. Paid dues 2.70. Geo took bath, got pop and went Griska's. Was home when we came 4:30. Fred and Betty went to movies as Fred was bumped by Harold Harker. Hopes to get a 4 o'clock yard so he can get his upstairs done. Geo went to work. I did my ironing. Watched late movie. Not so good. Cosgrove's sister died.

Jan 8 # Some snow but not too cold. Fred started his upstairs. I ordered him a gal of flat white, sunshine yellow & Wedgwood blue. Made a big dish of macaroni for Cosgrove's. Berry made a cake. Haven't accomplished anything much all day. Took food to Cosgrove's sister husband.

Jan 9 Cold but sunny. Geo got Fred's & his own pay. 150.00. Went with him downtown. Put in 4.00 gas. Gave me 110.00 dollars. Dolores came down & we went downtown. Got a parking ticket. Geo was supposed to watch kids. At 4:50 we saw him. Gave ticket which he paid. Before we went went to Big Flats where Steve was at a wreck 16 cars off. Got house feed hay & molding $9.23. Geo didn't come home. Saw his car at Griska's and when I went in he was with a negro & two of the worst looking women I ever saw. He came home 9:30 & changed shoes said he was going to round house but wouldn't take me. When I went out someone was in the car but couldn't see who. Know he was also down to Mary Gulka's. He said it was the Niger but doesn't seem as tho' he'd take him in there. Came at 10:35 to go to work. Packed lunch & got him supper.

Jan 10 Cold Stayed with Dolores all night. Steve came in at 4:00 & went back to work. Took Dolores after groceries car stalled & for an hour couldn't get it started. When I did Fred had come. Took it over to Peters & in 10 min or less he adjusted the choke which he said had been tampered with. Said carburetor needed cleaning cost .50. Took Dolores home & had dinner ready when Geo got up. He slept most of the day recuperating. Shook badly when he got up.

Jan 11 Cold but clear. Cleaned all the way thro. Geo put the molding up in two rooms and started the hardwood floors. I baked a batch of molasses crumb cookies & an apple sauce cake. Fred got his front room painted. The flooring 121.00 gave Betty 60.00. John came & was in trouble & I loaned him 15.00 & the 3.00. I loaned New Years Day to be paid Thursday.

Jan 12 A very nice day. Geo came in this morning after 9. I did a very large washing went to church up to Dolores got dresses which I washed. Got a very nice dinner and as it was nearly ready. Drank liquor & Tom Collins all afternoon. Put 1.00 gas. Geo after a bath said he was going for a bottle of beer. After he had been gone 3 hrs took Fred's car and he was at Griska's. When I went in he blessed me out had had more than he needed to drink. I fired back refused drinks & walked out. Came home got some money & had Betty take me back. 3:30. Drank liquor & danced. Lost count how many. Paid no attention to him. He came home got money, then began to big shot fellow tried to talk to him. Went over to Carr's. Carr told me what a really good fellow I was bull shit. Danced there. Geo called someone on phone hung up when I went to booth #28934 called & found # was Jack Dahlhaus 903 Laurel St. another strompet. Came home 11: offered to get Geo supper. Said he'd get what he wanted. Ate a mouthful of chicken threw fork & went to bed saying he wasn't going to give me any money pay day. The bills have to be paid so why should I worry he responsible. Washed the dishes.

Jan 13 # Another nice day. Betty hung clothes outdoors & they all dried. I got the ironing done about 11:30. Found Geo had taken 20 silver dollars oldest 1867 & 1873 – 1877. I was so angry I couldn't go to sleep till after 3 A.M. Feel just like destroying a number of things he likes as keepsakes. The man hasn't as honor as the lowest kind of a bum. My mother had given me those old dollars and I'd had them twenty odd years. There were six left & of course they weren't the old ones. Went up to Dolores. She couldn't wear any of the dresses.

Jan 14 This morning everything covered with ice. After Geo got up he went over and worked laying floor. Cleaned under sink and inside of stove and the mess. Geo took bath and we went & voted for Robinson. Still raining, still icy altho its getting rotten. Went to bed at eleven. Haven't felt to good all day. Lodge supper put off till March or April.

Jan 15 Got up this morning and there was about seven or eleven inches of snow. Haven't accomplished much today but did get upstairs cleaned. Geo has worked most of day laying floor. A white collie pup came to the house. Let him out and hope he went home. Home bureau put off till next week. Think Geo still doesn't feel too good.

Jan 16 Geo got up real ugly. Worked about an hour over to Fred's then we went downtown. Check was 120.99. Paid lights 23.92. Put in 4.00 gas. Stopped at Carr's & had a drink, then to Griska where he got in a card game about 5. I came home at 9 and he had about $7 left out of 23.00. It's now after 11 and he's not home yet. It has been quite cold today with some snow and a little rain. He drank so many bottles of beer. I lost track and he was too confused to play cards right. Taxes came today 40.80 County and State.

Jan 17 Not too cold. Did up the work and then went after groceries. Spent about $23.00 got Betty hamburg $1.78. She didn't pay me. Went up to Dolores for an hour. Geo put up molding in back bedroom & down some flooring. Fred didn't come home from work. When we went after molding 4.06, 2.00 nails he offered us $10.00 which we thought he needed & he took it & got drunk. Never came home till six. Sat morning.

Jan 18 Very cold below zero. Steve took scouts to Pine City for monthly outing. Dolores telephoned she was sick. I felt to miserable to go up. Fred came over at 4:10 in the morning, lit & got the projector, dropping it. Knocked over a lamp. Had some one there that had a small truck. He never left till 7 Sunday morning. Betty & Kenny went to church I didn't.

Jan 19 # Very cold. Went up & got Dolores for dinner. Steve came about 4 and got Tom & family over to Betty's and took the book case she gave me back to put in her dining room. Not so cold today. Did the washing and cleaned all the way through. About 1:30. Geo was going to get 3 ft of molding. Went to Griska's and when he left had $13 and when he came back had $4 left. Hadn't had two much to drink. Fred didn't do much of anything but sleep. Didn't get the molding.

Jan 20 John came over with Hackett lit to the gills. I was so disgusted with him and as usual he had to be nasty and showed how very jealous of Fred even bringing Dolores in & she felt the same way. Fred took Cheese & crackers as they were to celebrate the yardmaster's birthday. He was home 11:30.

Jan 21 Rain this afternoon and not very cold. Gave Geo $10 out of me for a jack for Fred's side. Geo jacked Fred's side up so the front door won't stay closed. I made two apple pies one for the church and 24 cupcakes. Used 1 1/2 cups hickory nuts in icing & 1 doz chocolate cakes. Did the ironing tonight. Am terribly tired. Did not have lodge today.

Jan 22 Very cold and terribly slippery. George went out for awhile and his four dollars was gone. I get so discouraged. They have run out of lumber or rather flooring. He ordered another hundred sq ft $19.00 which will come out of me I bet. I am getting fed up for they don't even try to meet any of the bills. Cleaned the cupboard over stove and washed the wood work. Cleaned the refrigerator. Mopped the kitchen. Fred went with ????? after his new car so he didn't get the room painted which they didn't get till tomorrow.

Jan 23 # Pay day. Very cold. Paid taxes 40.80. George paid $30 on Fred's paint bill. He got a hair cut & 4 bails of hay. Gave me $50.00. He had $12.00. Had the home bureau here tonight. Asked Vern’s and Ann. There were nine of our own members. George went to work. It was easy as I had everything done ahead. The Helen & Marge Cosgrove served potato salad, rolls & cold meat. Next time we each furnish a dish in foreign cooking. Not much done today either again with. Got letter from Blanche House and Mother has lost her bank book. Bet Kenny has it.

Jan 24 Cold this morning but clear. NYC conductors walked off their jobs in a wild cat strike which lasted seven hours when an injunction was gotten and they were ordered back. Went over to Bernice Corsan's for about 2 hours. Took old Barber bible and she copied some of the births & deaths. Then went after groceries and up to Dolores where we planned baby clothes. When I got home Geo was in a pet. Fred is supposed to join the Eagles tomorrow night and is laying off. I blew up of all the low down organizations that is about the lowest drunken bunch of the lot. Got 13.50 groceries.

Jan 25 Snowing hard but not so very cold. Geo chased all day. Picked John up and went to Carr. I fed the kids. He then went to Fred's & for two sat & drank beer & argued. Fred laid off so he could be installed in the Eagles. He wasn't home at 3:15. Geo spent about $5.00.

Jan 26 Did not go to church. When Fred came home got stuck on sidewalk. Betty dug car out and kid thrown up in the car. It's raining and snowing most of the day. Had Dolores down for dinner. As soon as they were gone Geo went & changed his clothes and left. Saw his car across from Y when I went to show with Betty & kids. Picked out 1 ½ cup of hickory nuts.

Jan 27 Cloudy. Some snow last night but none today. Geo came in at one & did his best to start something. Has slept & done nothing all day. Kenny carried my books from the cellar upstairs in the front room. I did the washing and Geo didn't even have a shirt in and I didn't ask him to take it off. Fred is going around with sore head. Kenny didn't go to school. Went after bread with Betty and saw Geo with a woman into Carr's. The lights were on the car. I sure feel fed up.

Jan 28 Thawing. Got up and cleaned all through. Then at 11:45 went over in southport to a sale on Newton St. It was hard to find. Everything about sold. Stopped to Sears to see about stair pads. Rubber .59 & other .39. Had sale on treads were 1.98 can have for 1.50. Came home & Geo had gone to bank, drew out $40. paid nearly 19.00 for flooring. Had 2 left, must have paid his bar bill & laid away $10 for future spree. I went and had glasses straightened. Thinks I need them changed as it will be 4 yr in Aug. Then went to Personius & bought a blue & green dress $5 each were 14.98. Went up to Dolores. At home 4:15. Geo sore.

JAN 29 Not very cold. Geo finished up the floors laying them on the other side. The Mother's march of dimes tonight. Betty has our block gave 20.00. She got $15.00. Dolores asked us up for a roast beef supper but Geo wouldn't go. After I got supper which he hardly ate or dinner either he got himself pancakes. Asked Betty to fix a hole in pants. She doesn't do her own mending why his. I wouldn't do David's coat last night. Felt if she has time to sew for him she could do for her kids. He told her I was going around with sore head when its him. Betty got a coat at Penny's 17.00.

Jan 30 Agnes Hayward's birthday. Sunny thawing. Fred still with head. A wonderful batch of men in this family why do they both have to act like their father. I sometimes think worse. I am going to try some of George's tactics. If they seem to work for him then why not me. Geo brought home the checks. Fred's $101-. Did not give me any. Went with him after bread then he sneaked to beer joint and cashed check. Did not stay long.

Jan 31 Went with George to Sears and when I asked for money gave me $15.00. I was sore and on our way home we argued. I packed a suitcase and thought I'd go to Binghamton but instead of going I went over to Fred's. He came home and took waited almost three hours. Walked on Ave. and it was in parking lot at Gilly's Took key so he wouldn't leave me and went in. He left in a few minutes and went to car. Took out timer roller & left. Called home but Betty had not come from taking H.B. Lesson. Took taxi home. He got in when I got out. Took license off car and when he came home threw roller at me said it was my share of car. Dolores & Gladys came I went downtown with them. We picked up Hudson, then went to Park View for supper. I fixed George's lunch & he drove Fred's car to work.

Feb 1 Found he had left car plates at Carr's but had picked them up last night so they must be around here. Dolores came after me to help her. Made six pies and extra crusts. Stayed up there as we plan to go to Geneva tomorrow. Watched a Tale of Two Cities on late show.

Feb 2 Before we were up Betty called & wanted Steve to come down to sand floors. Kevin took up a paper route and there was a mix up of papers. Took Betty's car and went to Second St. for papers. Took us till 12:10 to go over route again. Then went down to Fred's for dinner. Left about five came home with them. Geo went to work, still no license plates. Have sore throat.

Feb 3 Began sewing this morning. Did mending and some work on baby clothes. Did not feel so well this morning. Bernice Corsan called and said her mother fell and broke her hip Friday. They called all the children. Said her mother was bad Sunday and kept asking for me. Betty said I could use their car but I felt so badly didn't want to drive. Fixed Dolores's sewing machine so it runs wonderful. Steve helped. Dirt & threads in bobbin racer. My voice is getting hoarse.

Feb 4 Came down with Steve when he came to work. Took his car and went to Waverly with Bernice Corsan. Aunt Hattie is to be operated on tomorrow. Went down & saw Frank Barber. Came home & Geo had dressed up, put license on car. Drove down town and saw him come out Samrock with Marie Dailey had his arm around her and started to put her in drivers seat when I drove up beside them in wrong lane of traffic. I was so mad, mad I opened door and hollered “You ??? ??? what are you doing with that low down trash. He came over and slapped me a dozen times in the face. If there had been a cop around I'd had him arrested for assault. I think in all my life I was never so angry. I threatened to kill them both on sight. Probably a good thing he left town for I've never been so upset. I would have found them too but Steve had to have car at 11:00 as he has to go to work at 7. Geo laid off.

Feb 5 Took a bath to get the whore stink off altho he had one yesterday. George showed up at one in the afternoon, all in like a dog. I was to wrought up to keep my mouth shut. Told him to pack and go and get his belly full of Marie Dailey for six months, bet she wouldn't put up with him that long. Take the car with him but give me enough to live on. Know he took her out of town for the night. Got cough syrup $1.00.

Feb 6 Cold. Got in car when Geo went after check said it wouldn't do me any good. Came right back home. I sat in car. Betty came over and insisted I come in. She told George off in a nice way. He said he did it to get me home which I know was a lie because its happened before. Said he'd divide everything with me and I agreed. I'll have more than ever before as he had ¾ of all that was left. I can do anything I want after bills are paid. We went to Carr's & drank then after meat, then groceries. Cost me ten dollars also him gave me 75.00. looked in his pocket book & he has 90 and 9 silver dollars. Figure he spent about 60 dollars on Marie or gave her some. Check 140 twice and insurance check $305 dollars gave me 75. Has a hundred. Sure expensive to take a worn out whore out for an evening. George promised as long as I live will he ever do anything like this again. Said I had nothing to worry about from Marie but she hates me and I despise her, she sure has had her revenge for she's taken something from my being that I'll never again have. If I ever see them again together I'm leaving everything. This home isn't worth myself respect or neither is George.

Feb 7 Snowing again this morning. Geo late in getting in. Baked cookies, 30 cupcakes & a batch of penuche. Gave 1 ½ cup cakes 1 doz cookies & half batch of candy to Jr. Choir bake sale. Very bad night. John stopped & I got him a supper. Weather very bad.

Feb 8 Very cold & wind blowing snow. Did a large washing & cleaned upstairs. Still snowing John stopped in with a rooky cop. Brewer said he'd worked with Geo. Geo took car and was gone till about 6:30.

Feb 9 Very cold. Geo was stuck in snow when he came in. Fred dug him out and got car started told his father to get a quick charge but he didn't. Betty tried to start car but couldn't so kids came home in taxi. Didn't go to church. John called and wanted to pay off Hackett in C.D. Jean came over for $10.00 got stuck. He called an officers meeting for 5 and called Betty before she could get home. Went out with Hackett & got very drunk. Called C.D. out after midnight in 4 below weather to get trucks out. They were sore.

Feb 10 Very cold. 7 below last night. Geo took Fred's car to take our battery for quick charge. Gone 3 ½ hrs. When he came back had a new hat & 2 pr socks. Stamps for $14 ½ so hat a Stetson must have been $12.50. Ate dinner, took F's car again for over an hr. put in battery about 4. Said he was going to store & didn't show up till 9. Said he was playing cards at the Y. Did the ironing & cleaned house thro. The Northern Lights were most unusual tonight. People thought it was a great fire as even the snow reflected red. Geo called John & he had been on a drunk with Hackett since yesterday & hadn't been home. Had misused Jean & had a regular time for himself. Geo was mad that I gave him $10.00. He'd be madder if he knew I'd given him some before but I'm thro till its paid.

Feb 11 Clear & cold. 7 below. Did up work. Baked a cherry pie for church & a small peach for us, which Geo wouldn't eat. Made a tapioca pudding. When I took pie to church went on up to Acme & got some oranges & grapefruit. Much of the Florida fruit froze and vegetables. Went up to Dolores. Finished her baby clothes, Steve came down after his sweater which Geo had worn to work last night by mistake. Sent up two rugs I had in hall. Groceries 2.50 milk 2.16 eggs .90. Am worried that we haven't got insurance notice on our car. He got insurance on himself. 60.00 to be paid Mar 1. Will be caught up then till taxes in May.

Feb 12 Very cold 7 below. Audrey was taken to Arnot Ogden Hospital with a shock paralyzing his throat and left arm in slight shock the night before but wouldn't have doctor. Our car wouldn't start this morning. Fred pulled him. He bought a new battery $13.00 as the one in car had a weak cell. Did not come home till 8 tonight and had more than he needed. Said he was sick sure hope its not from Marie. He went to work.

Feb 13 Very very cold. 22 at Chemung. Car started at station but stalled at round house and would not start. Parsons pushed him. Got Fred's and his check. Monkeyed around all day but didn't go get check cashed. Slept all day nearly.

Feb 14 Very cold. Some snow and blowing. George paid the insurance on car. Stopped at Carr's. Fred is feeling sorry for himself. Didn't come in tonight. Geo only gave me 10.00 for groceries. Had some left over from last week. Geo went to bed and I went after groceries. Went up to Dolores. She's not feeling good. Got a little 4.00 groceries & gave Ann 6.00 for light. Geo went to work.

Feb 15 Very cold. Ann brought light over. Couldn't get it last night. Cleaned all thro. Fred didn't come in till about 4 this morning. He is disgusting acting liked a spoiled brat just because his wife is sick.

Feb 16 Frederick Ellison Birthday 1922. Very cold. Geo got stuck in driveway. Did not go to church. Blowing too hard. Fred as ugly as hell. Had a fellow there till morning drinking. Gave him electric flash light 5.57.

Feb 17 Very cold. Snowing and blowing. Haven't done much of anything all day. Geo slept most of day. Went after hay for the pony. Got 4 bales. Ann's kid brought over eggs.

Feb 18 Very cold. Steve came down. Dolores called and said she was sick. Geo took car to get it started Mida pushed him. He went to beer joint and then to Dolores. Dr. put her in hospital. Geo was supposed to bring car for me to go up there at three as Steve had to go to work but Geo he didn't come so his brought car for me and up went up Dolores was taken to hosp by Jim Doane & they took car to Steve I stayed all night with kids.

Feb 19 Not so cold. Straightened thro Dolores house. Did her ironing and mending. Roasted a turkey and Geo came up for supper. Steve did the dishes. I'm so tired tonight. Don't know hardly what I'm doing. Dolores was very near pneumonia and is anemic.

Feb 20 Not so cold. Pay day. Put 60.00 in bank to pay insurance each had $30.00 left. Got 12.00 of groceries so Geo gave me another 10.00. Paid milk bill 2.16 and paper put in 2.00 gas so I'm only a little over a dollar to the good. Went to Carr's and Griska's. Dennis Hayward came as we were eating dinner. Geo took him to Carr's & spent 3.00 on him with excuse they were going to Y. I sure would have been afraid to ride with him as he had had two bottles of beer here. Went up to Steve's & took care of kids till 11. Douglas has a cold. Steve painting.

Feb 21 Much warmer. Thawing. Went to hospital & saw Audrey and Dolores. Then to Griska's and Carr's. There we picked up Kenneth and two boys. Took them down town to look for shoes. Geo took them to Panosian's & Burke's. Glad Kenneth has a mind of his own or Geo would have spent the 20.00 for him. They went to show and we came home. Steve painting boys room blue. Dolores had blood transfusion. Audrey still has paralyzed throat and doesn't seem to snap out of it so well this time.

Feb 22 Much warmer. Sunny and snow melting. George left about 11 to get tire fixed and didn't show up till about 5:30. He had had plenty. Could have gotten new tire for 9.00 but demanded a new one at Sears. I washed cleaned house thro' got dinner for the Polovick's. Dolores came home from hospital. Doesn't look too good or fell. Kids stayed here. Betty took care of Douglas. Paid paper boy .40.

Feb 23 Found a male pheasant on engine when Geo got off still warm. A very mild sunny day. Went to church and done nothing much all took clothes down and got meals. Paid milk bill 2.16 and put in 2.00 gas.

Feb 24 Very mild. George is jacking house & now no doors will close. Left for about two said going to Y but he wasn't there. Jean came after paint roller. Came at one. Had dinner & went to bed. Got the ironing & mending done. Had pheasant for supper. Lamb stew for dinner. Dora came up to Dolores this morning. Did not come here. Had meeting at Mark Twain. Jean came over tonight John very drunk and took off his clothes in front of Diane. She was very upset. Jean very afraid of him because he has threatened to kill her and has slapped & dragged her around by the hair. I think whiskey is making him crazy.

Feb 25 A very nice sunny day. Snow is lowering slowly. Dora who has been at Dolores since Sunday night called and went with her to Dr. Vorhees. Had dinner and Geo took us to Griska's where Eddie showed off and Geo bought us two drinks. She left at four. We got in car and went to Carr's one drink drove to Lowman hotel hand another, stopped at Brady's another, drove Green Lantern down town Pine Grill one drink there to Hgts. Stopped at Marty Fords, rotten place had 7 up and to Lido's another. Had supper watched T.V. Read paper and to bed at 9:30 Geo. Drank and ate.

Feb 26 Mr. & Mrs. De Young's wedding anniversary. Another nice sunny day. Geo got up at 7. Said he was slept out. Banged around. Got up at 8 and he went to sleep on couch. Had early dinner 11:30. He went to bed. Got up and left at 2:30 taking a little over $33.00. Came back 5:20 so I could go take care of Dolores kids so they could go to Union Supper. Came back 10:30. Watched T.V. until one. Cleaned Geo room. He had 19 silver dollars left & $5 bill. He had $31 so he only spent about 5 on our bumming trip. Can't see how he does it. Gas gone out of car. Sent De Young's a card. Geo says Eddie Griska is just crazy about Dora. He sure ate up the line she fed him.

Feb 27 # Geo got tire at Barry's 19.24. Home bureau 8:30 am Snowed very wet nearly all night. Geo hasn't come yet train either late or he's stopped. Said train late. Stopped and got check. Fred only had $23.00. A very bad mistake as they did the same with a lot of the fireman. Geo had a full pay drew $34.00. Could not sleep so we left about 11:00 for downtown he got a tire, went after meat and stopped at Griska's. Geo played cards from 2 till after 7. Betty called and wanted meat for home bureau which I thought had been called off. He wouldn't come so I came home. We fixed meat and he came. Lost about 4.00 I had two drinks. Went home bureau and Geo to bed.

Feb 28 # Another tire at Barry's 19.24 both on back of car. Rain mixed with snow one very nasty day. Geo took tire after getting up early and getting me woke up ugly as a bear and left to get tire on. Bought another so have new tires on rear with a very good spare. Went after groceries stopped at Griska's I had a liquor. Felt bad all day. Fred got the rest of his pay. I laid down but couldn't go to sleep so got up and did dishes. After every thing was paid each was supposed to have 37.42. I forgot to take out for George's dues which are due tomorrow. Worked on the rug and have it nearly done it doesn't look right to me but may lay down with usage. Fred didn't come in till one. They plan to go early to Harker's tomorrow.

Mar 1 # Cold with snow flurries. Washed and straightened through. Wanted to go away but Geo wouldn't. Paid the paper and somehow the wrist band on my watch loosened and banged on the floor stopping. Think the balance wheel staff broken and may be more. I was sick about it. Fred, Betty and kids went to Harker's. They bought them a lot of groceries but could not pay me for meat 4.90.

Mar 2 Coral Harker. Got up feeling miserable this morning. Laid down after dinner taking off my clothes and when Dora came was sleeping the sleep of the just. Got Vonnie and her some dinner and Geo beat it. Went to Griska's and played cards. Laid off and lost $9.00. I went up to Dolores about 7:30 and stayed two hours. Waited till 10:30 and called Griska's. Was so sore changed my dress and went over. Didn't get home till after 2.

Mar 3 # Rained about 7 but sun out at nine. Geo wouldn't go to Binghamton as I wished and he promised. Didn't do much of anything. Dolores and Betty went downtown and she got blanket and Betty gave her sweater set. I took my watch to Repert's balance staff broken about 4.50 needed cleaning but he's not going to do it unless its very necessary. Went on up to Leona's. She's not good at all. Audrey is very slowly improving.

Mar 4 Cloudy and still thawing. Cleaned the refrigerator. Made a big pot of soup. It was very good. Had dinner all ready when Geo left for Griska's. I was sore. He did the patching in the hall at Fred's. Made a mess over there and my kitchen. Betty took care of Elaine's kids so she could take lesson on sandwiches. At 1:30 Charles Sibley Jr. called that his mother died in the night between 1 & 2 o'clock. Went to lodge. Betty gave me a permanent which didn't take too good also cut my hair. Forgot to send card to Dellie by Geo as I promised.

Mar 5 Cloudy. Sent card to Dellie on 15 this morning. Dora is going to take care of flowers. George slept till about 2. Got up and he went downtown and he paid for tire at Barry's then we went after hay. Got three bails. Then over to Griska's about 4:30. Gave Griska application for salesman for real estate and 2.00. Geo got in card game. I got disgusted and came home at 9:30. He drank 8 bottles of beer before I left. Said he'd be home shortly but never came till 2 o'clock. I was so disgusted. Got the money a guy owed him. Had less than 3.00 in change when he came home. I sputtered & he got off the usual talk about sleeping alone.

Mar 6 Pritchard lost his drinking license. Cloudy with a few snow flurries and rain. Went downtown and to sale where we bought antique plate for Dolores $1.50 & I bought pitcher for Dora a present or keep for myself. Drove to Avoca where Geo inquired about barber chair. Had a lovely dinner at Molley's diner. 1.25 each all we could eat. Got home about 2:30. Fred had started out at 9 this morning and wasn't back. Went to bed slept about an hr. John brought Fred home. He went about 7 on Waverly job. We went to the lodge supper. Geo went to bed had a hard time going to sleep. Went to work. I watched T.V. Till nearly one.

Mar 7 A very nice day. We left about 11:30 for Aunt Clia's funeral. Got to Aunt Leona about one. Went to funeral in Harry S car. Stopped at Charles Sibley's house stayed about two hours. Had a very nice time. Charles and Edith had a nice lunch and I liked them both very much. Stopped at Charles Lett's store. Geo bought a necktie pin 1.00. Stopped in Chemung and Brady's got a ticket in Binghamton. Got home about 8 and went to bed at 9. Both very tired.

Mar 8 # Our wedding anniversary 1919. A very lovely day very similar to our wedding day. Went to a couple of sales and Geo bought a Morman bible & I a chopper & bowl a piece to place flowers in & a pastry blender all .35. Geo bought Wayne a pr cowboy boots. I was sore new and a few groceries. Stayed at Dolores. Had about 2 hrs sleep.

Mar 9 Audrey came home from the hospital today. Dellie came down to Sibley's about 10:30 pm called me about noon. I slept on couch in front room after going after Geo. Went up to Sibley's about one and on up to Audrey's after two. He was asleep. Stayed till about 5 stopped at Sibley. Leona home from hospital Jean had operation Pregnant In tube which broke operated Thurs. has very bad cold. Came down with very bad bladder trouble. Am in misery. Geo got two white rabbits about half grown. $1.00 a piece. Some snow flurries and colder.

Mar 10 Cloudy – Am just miserable have been up a lot all night. Burn & smart till all I want to do is cry. Went to Dr. Marshall's at 2:30 he said the urine was full of pus. The bladder was nearly empty drained it and put in a soothing medicine. Gave me sulphide and said come back next Monday. Call 4.00. Fell a little better tonight. Geo didn't go out all day.

Mar 11 Sun was shinning this morning so decided to wash. Hung it outdoors. Geo left in the car but didn't stay too long. Was in misery this afternoon. Geo took Wayne and changed his boots then went to Griska's or somewhere else. Managed to straighten house out couldn't get kitchen mopped. Don't think the medicine is taking a holt. My back is so bad can hardly walk and left side seems to be swollen. Clothes dried. Geo took them down.

Mar 12 Cloudy and not too warm. Geo left early this morning came back about 2:30. Changed his shirt and was sore at me because I cried. Had so much pain I could hardly stand it. He just wanted an excuse to go again. Think he got the ten dollars Betty had. Tonight the $24.00 was gone from his pocket book. Got the ironing done but thought I would die doing it. Got the mending done also. Took 2 aspirins & 3 nerve tablets. Drank nearly a gallon of tea & water so feel better tonight. Its after 12:30 & Fred hasn't came in.

Mar 13 Cloudy with snow tonight. After Geo got up he didn't want to cash his check. $89.00 short a days pay. He signed it and I went down and got 5.00 groceries 6.32 and to a sale & got some pyrex 1.25. When I got home he wanted to go to sale. We went on Nobel St where we didn't get anything then we went back where I was and he paid 5.00 for some books & 5.00 for a gun which he gave to Kenny. I got a tea kettle for 1.00 and gave Delores mine.

Mar 14 Rain & snow. Geo got his extra pay which wasn't included in his check. Went to meat market and got meat for Dolores & Betty. Geo had a couple of drinks. Had dinner & he went to bed. I went after groceries and up to Delores. Fred got a sport jacket. I felt pretty good till I was up to Dolores. Got my watch $4.00. Picked out a cup of nuts. Cleaned Geo room after he went to work. Took down string trellis to other looked like the devil and he'll probably be sore. Gas bill came 32.00.

Mar 15 # Cloudy some snow. Straightened through. Geo slept all day. Had a stuffed chicken for dinner. Am not feeling too good. Took a bath this morning.

Mar 16 Cloudy John came early this morning for suitcase. Geo said he gave him 5.00. One silver dollar is gone and he had four ones. He left at 2 to get a drink never came back till 10:30. I looked in his pocket book and $20.00 was gone. Had such a wonderful time with a green crepe paper around his neck which he said cost him .50 more women. Disgusting for a man past 60 who tries to act 18. Wish he could see himself as he really looks. He is quick enough to judge someone else and criticize them.

Mar 17 Cloudy. Someone damaged the car last night. Geo left it in a loading zone. Didn't do anything today. Went to Dr. Marshall's 4.00 and he said pus was clearing up and if things didn't clean up in a week or ten days he'd put me in hospital & see what was wrong with kidney. Gave me an appointment in ten days and medicine to take until gone. Geo got molding for Fred's downstairs 14. Paid 4.

Mar 18 Cloudy. Betty and I went to lodge. She went after Fred last night and they were out till about 2. She is dead today. Geo put the molding up. Was going up to Dolores but felt too ill. Stopped at post office and got tax forms as the one I made out was wrong and John was very mistaken. Called Dolores and she is alright Dr. said she could go in hospital Fri and he'd start her pains and be able to control them but don't believe she will.

Mar 19 Cloudy with promise of snow. After dinner I went up to Dolores. Made 24 cup cakes and three loaves of bread also straightened house thro. Took her 12 cup cakes & loaf of bread. Stayed till about six hours left at 3:30. Geo left immediately. Stayed home till 8 then went up to Audrey's. He looks much better. Stayed till ten. Geo had called so I went after him. He had left & when I got home he was here with fellow all dressed in white shirt. I dressed & went over to Griska's with them. It seems Geo was to meet a woman & her daughter with Ambrose but they had left. We left and he went to Cross Roads. He changed 25 silver dollars and ten to Frank in Griska's. Then we went to Green Lantern where he changed another 5. Drove to Wellsburg nothing open then he insisted on going on back road to Lowman. Meet the proprietor who he had had a row with him over cards & they argued. I tried to get him to leave. He started talking to a woman who was trying to pump him about John wanted him to meet him Sunday. Then he was ordered out. He jumped all over me in car and I fired back. He was very angry. Said a lot of things wished he hadn't for I had had only 2 drinks. When he got home he slapped my face & choked me in car bending my glasses. I drove away. When lights went out came home & went to bed.

Mar 20 Aunt Hattie died last night at 2 am. Geo didn't give me any pay. My face is swollen & has some cuts. Inside of mouth cut. Geo going around with sore head. Didn't pay the gas & light bill. That woman at Green didn't pay him five dollars for his silver dollars. He put 140 in bank & had 24 left so I know he didn't spend 15.00 out last night. Had my glasses straightened & took pictures back to man on College Ave. Dora called Aunt Hattie died early this morning. Had a terrible abscess on her spine probably from pin put in her broken hip.

Mar 21 Mr & Mrs Harker's wedding anniversary. Still snowing. Papers for real estate salesman came yesterday. My face isn't a pretty sight. I got flowers for Aunt Hattie & took them over to Bernice. Came home & straightened thro then went up to Dolores. Put $1.00 gas in car so I wouldn't get caught without any if Dolores should need me. Came home & put up George's lunch. Geo was in bed when I went to Dolores. She went to doctors but nothing doing yet.

Mar 22 A very lovely day. Went to Aunt Hattie's funeral. She looked very natural 82. Didn't get an invite down to Edna's. Perhaps they were going to read the will. Dora went also. John came with 3 fellows as we got home he was lit & so were they. Gave them coffee. We stopped in Chemung & Griska. I had 3 drinks. Geo let John have $5.00 and in Waverly bought me a pair of rubbers.

Mar 23 A very nice day sunny & like spring. Went to church & when I came back Dellie was here. I burned everything. Waited for Dora. When we got up to Audrey she was there with Leo & Vonnie stayed until about five. They went up to Sibley's. Dora & Leo went to Dolores. I got home about 6:30. Geo slept most of day & was surprised to come home & he was sleeping. Fred laid off & they went to Griska gave me card for purse showing. I have a temporary license. Dolores went to hospital but pain only false.

Mar 24 Bright and sunny. Dolores called early 9:30 & wanted me to come right up as she was in pain. They passed off and she made a cake while I made 2 apple pies. 1 buckleberry, 2 pumpkin a shell & a batch of cinnamon jumbles. Came home after Steve came about 3:30. Got supper. Was very tired. Came to bed at 11. but didn't sleep until 1:30. Geo had done a lot of drinking. Gotten a hair cut. Had had someone in the see nasty movies. I blew up & as usual is sore. I should worry. Fred also went on drunk yesterday threw up on side of car probably his father gave him a push.

Mar 25 Rain mixed with a little snow. Did a good sized ironing & the mending. Fixed Wayne's leather coat which will about fit Robert. Geo slept all day. Tonight turned T.V. Till these shadows on screen so I could hardly tell what the pictures were so I came to bed 9:30 to burn me up.

Mar 26 Snow very heavy & wet. Geo left this morning at 9:30. Came back tonight at 7. Cleaned house a little more thoroughly than usual. Dolores went to hospital about 1:30 had dilated about a finger. Her baby girl was born about 10:10. She was given a local & watched her baby being born weighs 6 lb 11 oz. Steve brought the boys down and I took them home about 8:30. He came about 12:20 and I came home. Hope Dolores was as happy as I was when she was born. Thank you God.

Mar 27 Sunny at 7:30 this morning. Got up early to meet Geo at train. He signed check & Betty & I went to look at furniture. Got a few groceries & got home about one. Had dinner & went to see Dolores. Geo got her a pot of yellow tulips. Could not see her as she had the baby. Went after hay & then to Griska where he told me to go home. Watched Queen for a day & then went to see Dolores. Geo came in the meantime & took Betty's car & was to be back in half hour. I came about 5 min after he left. Gave him $21.00. Saw car at hotel but left to take Betty to home bureau then when I went back it was gone and I couldn't find it. Drove & drove. We went to Fred and when we were turning around he came by State St. followed us to Griska's & stopped got in after one.

Mar 28 Diane Marie Ellison's birthday. Gave her a couple of books. The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling & a set of pans. Had heavy frost this morning. Went after groceries. When everything averaged each of us had 31.00 left. Geo was broke, later found out he went to bank & drew out 20.00 today then he's being fair to me. Went to see Dolores tonight. She is still thinking it wonderful that she had the baby as she did. Geo wouldn't go. Named new baby Elizabeth Mary middle names of both grandmothers.

Mar 29 It is raining out. Didn't do much of anything today. Cleaned upstairs & that's it. Went up to see Dolores. Ask Geo to go as usual he didn't feel like it. Wish I could always make that excuse & get away with it. Stayed while the baby's were in a mask & gown. Baby looks like Dolores did a lot but hasn't as dark hair or as large eyes altho they are same color. She is a pretty baby.

Mar 30 Palm Sunday Very lovely day went to church. Got dinner for Steve & family. Ate over to Fred's. Of course as we were ready to sit down Geo had to beat it to a beer joint. Betty called him and he was sore at me. Rested rest of day. Betty did big washing made a batch of cookies & birthday cake.

Mar 31 Dolores Helene Ellison Polovick's birthday 1926

Betty and I went downtown and she bought a black living room suite $170 then we went to Dolores and got kids lunch she changed beds did three loads of clothes and cleaned the rooms. Came home and Dolores & baby came. Geo was gone had been in such a hurry hadn't even bothered to eat a breakfast. I got the supper & we ate at Betty's. The cake I made was delicious and didn't look to bad. They left about 7:30. Tried to find Geo couldn't. Betty went up to Dolores while Steve was bowling. Geo came about 9:00 in usual condition.

Apr 1 A very lovely day. Monkeyed around most of morning. Mopped kitchen and cleaned dining room. Went to lodge. Geo did some plastering for Fred, then beat it when dinner was ready. Came about 2. Went to lodge then up to Dolores nothing I could do. Her father had been there and gotten some tropical fish which looked as thou they were dying. Costs over 5.00 for a motor & aireator. Also they have to have special food. Came home & fixed potatoes for lodge and went late. Betty's or mine weren't eaten. Came home at 7:30 and at 9 came to bed. Got Geo's supper which he didn't eat & put up his lunch.

Apr 2 A very lovely day in spring. Am washing. Straightened the dining room and the kitchen. Geo had a few drinks got Dolores the fish yesterday which are alive today. He took down my clothes. Sprinkled & ironed them tonight. Went up & offered to do Dolores ironing but she said she'd do it herself. She hung her clothes out today & it was windy. Hope she doesn't catch cold in her breasts. Did ironing tonight am I pooped.

Apr 3 Geo got pony feed and hay today. He put a hundred dollars in the bank and spent $51.00. Got groceries 15.00. Fishing licenses 4.50 fish pole 4.95 reel 2.98 line & hook .70 got two mum plants ,79 each red & yellow. Left about 1:30 to go fishing. David went with us. No luck Am having pains in my back & stomach. Had three liquors so maybe that’s it. My bowels ran off a little this morning. Burned my face fishing and am just miserable tonight. Bought 9lbs bologna 3.50 & 5 screens .50 from men in Carr's.

Apr 4 A very lovely day. Wanted to go up to Dolores but am afraid I've got something back and stomach pain me badly. Geo took a bath and has slept all day. I haven't done much of anything but lie on couch. George got his check with $4. something interest statement have $105 back. Fred went fishing & came back about 2:30 pretty well loaded.

Apr 5 Another very lovely day. Geo paid John's paint bill 16.00 bal for one room in 2 places & when he got thro he gave me 9.00, then got 1 off me again when he wanted a drink. He fixed rabbit pen for David wire over two dollars. He called on Billy then had to have more so he went to Carr's. Got a doz. Bananas .25. I had a drink. Cleaned upstairs before going & downstairs after. Betty put downstairs carpet I had in hall. Look swell. Geo was thrown by pony as also was Bobby. Geo kicked pony. Sorry to see pony broken in that manner. He'll really be ruined.

Apr 6 Rain Went to church & then up to Dolores for dinner. A very dull day as Geo slept most of day. Got card from Dora for Easter.

Apr 7 John Robert Ellison's birthday 1920 Rain & some snowflurries rather cold. Geo took the car and didn't come back till nearly four. By the time I got his dinner & did the dishes it was nearly five. He got five dollars off me. I got John a Old Spice set of shaving powder & toilet water. Got myself three pr of shoes at O'Neil's who was selling out. The old lady was crabby as the devil because it was closing time and she was tired out. Saved $12.00. Got some corn plasters my toes are so sore. I can hardly walk.

Apr 8 Still cold & some snowflurries. Betty did a big wash. Geo couldn't sleep and got up about ten. At two went up to Dolores & he left with Fred's car right down dressing in his best. Came in at 3.45 & Fred took him to Griska's. I came right at 4. Changed my dress & by the time I got over there he was in a euker game. Had two drinks & he drank a lot of beer. Won 5.00. He threw a game or he'd had 11.00. The fellow he was playing with wouldn't play anymore with him so I know he knew it too. Got home a little after 8. Paid the bread man this morning & am broke 2.98.

Apr 9 A very sunny a little cold & windy. Went up to Dolores's and took care of the children while she went to Waverly after violets. Got home about two. Lalie had been here & took Geo to Y. He had came home & gotten Fred's & gone to Carr's. The Cuba rebellion, was put down by the police after they had taken over a T.V. Station. Wrote Dellie and Blanche House. Fred went on the Waverly job tonight. John got the government check today I guess. Pony bit a girl tonight bruising her on left side low of abdomen. Did not break the flesh but left red & blue marks. Was badly scared. Paid milk bill tonight 2.65.

Apr 10 A very lovely day. Left about one and Geo cashed his check 148.00. Went to see about NYS tax & found I'd made a thousand dollar error so its going to cost 30. more. Betty had the home bureau tonight. Geo stopped to Carr's, Griska drove to see Stephan about castrating Diamond $10.00. Stopped at Elms. Drove to Arlington 1 drink then back to city, he stopped at Herb's, Bean Arts and Pine Bar had stopped at Cross Roads when we went down. Got oysters & bull head 1.65. stopped at Griska's & said he was going to play cards which he didn't for I called and he'd gone. Cleaned house thro downstairs. Washed windows this morning. Began to rain about 11 P.M.

Apr 11 Rain all day. Made out the NY State tax. Had to pay $90.96 & stretched it as fine as I could. Geo slept until 1:30 after getting in at 2:20. Think he's broke so he spent 5.00 paid him two in change and twenty – three of his pay. A real expensive evening. I had twenty – five dollars. Got 12.00 groceries and went as easy as I could. John paid me the 28.00 he owed Geo wouldn't take the 10.00 he let him have, then asked me if half of the 28 wasn't his and he knew darn well it was part of the money he gave me when we were going to divide everything in half.

Apr 12 Alma Bells Birth. Cloudy with some rain. Went up to Dolores & took her to see where Scouts & Steve were camped. Stopped at Sibley's. Came home about 7. Geo had left a little after four. He went & got Fred's car & I saw him down town with a man. Fred drove car home but Geo didn't come so he's probably at Griska's flipping & flopping. Heard him say downtown he was broke so probably borrowing of Griska.

Apr 13 A very lovely day. Did not go to church Went & got Delores for dinner. Geo came in at three this morning in the usual condition. Slept all day so as to be ready to roll again. Went up and saw Audrey tonight seems some better. Put 2.50 gas.

Apr 14 A very lovely spring day. Did a big washing as also did Betty's. About 2 Geo and I went fishing until after four. Came home. Had supper sorted clothes. Dolores has to furnish pie & candy for Scout supper Wednesday & wants me to make them. Didn't do anything much tonight. Went to be 9:30.

Apr 15 Another nice day. Geo had the garden plowed. Three dollars off me. We went to lodge and when we came home Geo had their car over to Griska. We stopped & she took theirs. He was lit. I stayed until he was ready to come home about six. Got him supper. He had taken Bambi to Blostein and it cost me 9.00 for clipping & treating his eye. Went up to Dolores & made penuche & double batch of pie crust. They were gone fishing & didn't come until I was nearly thro cleaned upstairs.

Apr 16 Just as lovely a day as yesterday warmer 78. Got my ironing done. Car salesman called & said he had a Chrysler he wanted Geo to see. I told him how I felt. When he called after Geo got up we went over to see it. I saw a black & white Dodge 56. Geo liked it. We also tried out a 55 De Sota. Of course he had to drink. We had three. Came home about 8 we had supper. He went to bed. I watched T.V. Until 11:00.

Apr 17 A very lovely day. Geo got up early & got his check and disappeared. Came about 11:00. Went after hay and when we got back asked Geo if he wanted to eat & he said yes but when I went to call him he had gone. Never came till after six and had had plenty. Fred got his check & said he was going after parts for the wash but went to Griska's & was terribly drunk when I went & took Betty over after him at 8. they came at nine & he raised hell. Betty left with him about 11:30. he had 94.00 on him. Geo came home with 90.00 from 138. check. Think he spent about 10.00 gambling.

Apr 18 # Stanley Barber 1935 22. A very lovely day. Got up early and went up to Dolores to help her with a dress. Got it done but the hem. Got groceries. Geo had left & was at Griska with Fred's car when I came home at a few minutes of three. Came about four & we had supper & he worked awhile in garden. We then went to outdoor movie which was very good. Fred went on jostling job. Parks bumped him on Waverly. Dolores got Reynolds girl to stay with kids & went to school dance. Took Jim Doane to hospital yesterday to watch his heart. Is very bad with rheumatic fever and he's scared. Is paralyzed.

Apr 19 A very lovely day. H Staltz brought over a 55 De Sota about noon & took our car back with him I left about 2 for Dellie. She took me to a church supper. Spaghetti not too good. Saw Bills house. Dora in Jamestown today. We are sending a letter to Janiga Monday. Hope it does some good. He is five months in arrears. don't think we want this car. It has a whistle which may be water pump and a grind & many other rattles.

Apr 20 # Cloudy & warm Did not go to church. Fred going around with sore head. Betty gave Dolores a permanent. Fred showed himself in front of Ray. Dressed in best & went out. Came at 12:15. Got beer. Had someone in car. Betty couldn't tell whether man or woman. Came in after 2.

Apr 21 Did the washing and of course after hanging it out began to rain. Geo took car back early. Planted beans & glads. John came as we were going to eat. Had been drinking but after we ate got his father to look at cars. Went to Cornish and Geo saw a new De Sota & fell in love with it $4100.00. Looked at 56 $2600.00 but he couldn't see it. Allowed $1000.00 for ours. Going to pay 1000 and finance 2100.00 at 76 a month for 3 years. I don't like the deal at all. It's a nice car but something to worry about. Went to school PTA meeting heard Ryerson speak. Was very sick there. Washed out clothes & hung in cellar. Told Cornish that I didn't want Geo to get the car. I just know before its paid for he'll kick up his heels and won't make payments.

Apr 22 Sun comes out at intervals today. At least its not raining. Studied some this morning. Geo got up early & we went & paid thousand dollars for car. Went to Griska's & Carrs. Mailed letter Janiga. Had dinner & Geo took off. Took Fred's car about four & drove around. He came right after I left. Got supper I studied a couple hours. Drove to Candor. Vonnie been very ill think he took over dose of his medicine. Fred raised hell this morning. So sorry for himself. Took the Naida's with us & Fran shut her thumb in door. It badly bruised. There are a number of things. I don't care about with this car. No green in windows for one. No lights in back, no clock.

Apr 23 Dennis Hayward's birthday 73. Try examination for real estate salesman at 1:30 P.M. Started for Binghamton at 10:30 arrived at A.L. Hall 12:30. Tried exam which I'm afraid I didn't pass. Entirely my own fault for being careless. Went to Aunt Leona's. Saw Charles, Elsa Lowella and Harry. Edith came. Had a wonderful time. Got home 11:10. Geo called about 11:30. Train late. Geo left with Fred's car as soon as I did & didn't get back till 4 and had been drinking. It was a nice day, cloudy in morning but sunny later.

Apr 24 A very nice day. Straightened thro. Cleaned refrigerator & made huckleberry pie & two crusts. Geo got up early & wanted something to eat and when it was ready went away. Stayed more than an hour. Had dinner and left again. Came about three. Took Mrs. Naida to doctors waited hour & half. Fred on tear. Rubin brought him home. Went after his car. Wouldn't give her his money. She went to home bureau and I did my ironing. Watched a good story on T.V. Till 11:00. Terribly tired as I only had about three hours last night.

Apr 25 Cloudy & colder with wind. Geo got up early & wrote note to Betty he was going fishing. Came about four & had managed to hit most of the beer joints. Should think he'd get so tired of the stuff he'd gag. Carr got drunk & someone stole 300.00 from him. I don't feel sorry for anyone who doesn't know when they've had enough. Betty & I took some stuff up to Dolores for the rummage sale. Too late to get in bank so George's check isn't cashed.

Apr 26 Beth a month old today. Dark & cloudy. Cleaned thro. Went after groceries. George washed car & then disappeared. Came at 9 P.M. & asked me to go out. Had car hidden so someone was in it. Told him I'd go but while I was changing dress he disappeared. Said car was at Griska but I walked over & he had taken car when he'd left ¾ hour before. Came home about 12:30. Had driven car about 80 mi as it registered 468 when he took it & was 560 when he came home. I was more than disgusted with him. The dirty liar. Time changed.

Apr 27 Rain. Went to church. Aunt Leona, Harry, Louella & Jay came this afternoon bringing Beth a locket & chain. Went up to Dolores after they left drove up to Jack & Alma's. Went. Put in 3.00 of gas. Gave Geo 5.00.

Apr 28 Rain did big washing. Went to see Griska. Hasn't even a house for sale. Started bank account for Beth. Came home & got dinner. Geo left with car & didn't come back till late. Guess he had to spend what he had left.

Apr 29 Rainy & cold. Went to Lodge supper at Harris Hill restaurant. Very good cost me .97 plus .25 tip. Gave Geo 5.00 & he said he was going to Griska but he wasn't there at three. Came about 5. Think the five was gone. Should think he'd get so tired of drinking & playing he wouldn’t know what to do. Did the ironing after I came home. Finished a hooked rug. I've worked on for two years. Got tax bills today.

Apr 30 A very nice day. Went downtown with Betty. Got four pair stockings, patent pocket book, envelopes & inner soles for Geo about $7. Geo says he feels bad. Took pony out for feeding. Went over to Water's & saw their colored T.V. A beauty. 700.00. Fred changed all in car & filter in Plymouth. Very low. Started on Dolores hooked rug. Ground water had gotten in the trunks down cellar.

May 1 Sibley James Barber's birthday. A very lovely day. Geo heard me getting up after he did & didn't bother to eat but went after his check. Guess he must want to pay bar bills so I won't know how much. He put 105. in bank had a clock put in car 16.00 oil & tires checked. Got meat for which Betty didn't pay 5.50. She didn't pay me for bread either .26 she owed me that much if not more before & forgot also. Cut out house coat & made it before going to sleep at three also fixed or turned up two pr pants for Kenneth. Geo took pony when we got back over to Griska's where he filled up. Used 5.00.

May 2 Went up to Dolores to take care of kids while she took Blanche after Bill in Bath. Got there about 11:30 and stayed till 3:00. Got groceries. Geo called twice. Sore because I didn't stay home. Got supper but he didn't come till 8:30. Had mean remarks which I ignored. He left with Fred's car at 2:30 & Betty called him at Griska's so as to take Fred to work & he went back. Fred said he was playing poker so he probably lost 7.00 he had.

May 3 Rain in morning clearing. Geo took car at 9:30 came back about one and changed his clothes. Wouldn't eat. Said going to Griska's but didn't. Dolores & I saw car at Gilbert’s again at Rutland, saw him call on Grand then either went in Eagles or else upstairs. Dolores had to go to bathroom or we'd have seen where he went. Geo laid off. Didn't get in till 2:45. Someone followed him home & he had had people in the car. Some woman had smoked a cigarette & left butts.

May 4 Dark cloudy and windy. Got up & got ready to go to church but was too upset to so got to Dolores & decided to go to Dora's. Stopped at Blanche House's. Had a wonderful time at Dora. Listed a house in Spencer but don't think it'll amount to anything. Got home about 12 & did dishes & put greens to soak.

May 5 Rain Went downtown & paid taxes, looked for a coat. Found one for 40 navy blue. Came home & Geo took car. Had oil changed & they said to use high test gas. Diamond bit girl on shoulder, so Geo said he'd sell horse & sent me over to Harker's after clippers. Ziff came tonight & wanted Fred to take insurance offer for 45.00 & he wouldn't. Ziff gets 1000.00. A lot of money for not much of anything. Geo went to work. Betty had PTA committee meeting tonight. After 12 she & Fred went out.

May 6 Rain & more rain. Went downtown & when I came back Geo wanted to go after hay. Got back in time to go to lodge. Had Southport lodge there to practice for meeting in Corning May 17. didn't get home till after five. Betty stopped & got bread. Got supper. Worked on rug. Geo went to bed early.

May 7 Rain Geo left about ten this morning. Ziff called about 11:00 and wants Fred & Betty in his office at 1:45 as trial comes off at 2. Called Geo at Griska. He came after one & wanted to go with them. They settled for $5000. Geo didn't think they should but I do. Geo went with John. John was up & took Bobby with him. Betty took car to school. Fred took off. Bobby Surdam came & Geo insisted they go to Griska & when I went after Bobby they (Bob & wife) Fred were there. Found out Geo Sat. night had trouble in Berry's a negro joint & police Bonoggi & another had a real time with him. Do not know details but bet he had niger in car Sat. night.

May 8 Rain, clearing. Went downtown & cashed Geo's check. Paid 77.00 on car. Put 5.30 in 17 gal of gas. Got a few groceries. Went up to Dolores. Looked at a coat. $40.00. Too much money. Came home & Geo took car. Gave him 15.00 & it was nearly gone when he came home. Geo advertised pony this afternoon. Home bureau tonight but I don't feel like going. Went to bed early.

May 9 A very lovely day. Geo got up early & disappeared with car. Didn't come home till about nine. Put up his lunch. He was on top of the world, talking to himself. The ad for the pony came out in tonights paper. Had two calls neither amounting to anything, Did a big washing & cleaned house thro. Dora came up to Dolores's & Betty & I went up for an hour. Geo came while we were there.

May 10 # Had a few calls about pony. A very nice day. Geo took car & after he was gone found he had taken his checkbook & had paid Ambrose Birds alimony $165.00. He could not draw money from bank on Saturday. Dolores came down. Took some things out the cellar. Told Geo I wanted car. He clipped the horse this morning. Fred's family went to Harker's & took clippers back. Looked in Robert Halls for coat nothing there. Took a ride.

May 11 Sunny warm day. Had Dolores family down for dinner. Went to Bell cottage at Lake. Steve drove our car. About 70 mi. Took it down to station for George to have in the morning. Betty gave me a permanent tonight got thro 1:30.

May 12 A very nice day. Geo drew out 175.00 to pay Ambrose Bird's bail $165.00 ten for himself. He had a time for himself. Its getting to be every day. He washed the car. I got two exclusives today. Am very tired. Lalie came this morning. Geo gave her two tires. She has an old Hudson. Joe Morton committed himself to Willard a wk ago Saturday. Sold everything he could get his hands. She is staying with Albert. Went over & saw Leo Griska & he said he'd advertise three places.

May 13 A very nice day. Geo went early this morning so his money wasn't all gone or he borrowed. Ed Griska wouldn't give him my license. Made rhubarb pie for church. Called Geo & he came home. Had had plenty. Took pony & made calls on beer joints. Got home at 4:30 dressed in his best took Betty's car & was gone till 9:45. He was in bad condition but went to work. Saw a couple of prospects but didn't do anything. Saw Mrs Risely & Aman has her hotel till next December. Took care of Douglas while Dolores took Beth to the Doctors. She has a bad eyes.

May 14 Dark chilly day. Am not feeling very good. Haven't done much today. Got Betty to go downtown with me & I bought a navy blue summer coat 40.00. Can not put on weight or won't be able to wear it. Drove up to Dolores & she's having the Mr & Mrs progressive main course at her house Sat. Went to bed early after watching T.V. Mrs. Baker came over for three hours tonight. She does a lot of talking & wants to know about people but think its a lot her interest in them.

May 15 Rain all day. Pay day. Geo gave me 30.00 got 15 of that for gun. Paid the Melnic girl 25.00 for being bit by the pony. Paid light gas & water. He had 15.00 he spent for himself. Went to Sayre and he got some glasses to read with 1.80. Fred went with a conductor. Geo brought here to try and start his new Dodge at Milport which he couldn't. They ten preceded to get drunk. Betty & Bobby were with them & gave Fred 15.00 but he spent it. Beamer's wife was awful mad.

May 16 Sun is shinning this morning so I'm starting to wash. Here Betty doing the same. Have to bake for the church also. Made two lemonjell cakes & molasses cookies. Hope they sell. Straighten all thro house & got the ironing done. Geo & Kenneth went to Little Lake fishing. Geo got a bullhead & a small bass. Got home about 12. I'm just pooped tonight.

May 17 Have meeting in Corning all day. Very warm. We went. Got home about 4. Fred had been called Dolores came after table clothes & had been to a violet show. Wanted me to come up & take care of kids while they went for desert to another house. She had the main course in her basement. I was too tired. Geo drove car to work & Fred came in on 5 & drove it home.

May 18 A very lovely day. Went to church and took Mrs. Bronson home. Church organ was dedicated. Went up to Audrey's & got his five lots for sale 5000. Fred, Geo & I went fishing. Geo got one big bullhead & Fred got small one. They argued about everything. Got home about 3.

May 19 Mother Ellison's birthday think she'll be 90 today. Sent her a card. Got a letter from Blanche House asking Geo to go to his mother on Sunday. Mrs. Risley said they were going to have a party for her Sunday. Cut out a dress. Took a dress to Mrs Risley of the Brothers. Hope she sells the old hotel to them. Car wasn't moved out of the yard, most unusual.

May 20 Sunny this morning. Made the dress had to take a seam off each gore on the skirt. Geo couldn't sleep so he went with John & sold the papers so they stopped & drank it up. He came home & washed the car then changed his clothes & I asked to go with him & he wouldn't let me. Came about 5:30 with a skin full. Started to go to Watercure Hill & he told me to go on 17 and it was wrong. Raved at me. Stopped & he drank some. Came home & he ate some supper. Then went to Spicers. Mrs Haure & to see Mrs Cantando about pasturing the horse. Stopped at Sky line where I had three liquors. So figure he'd borrowed 5. Stopped at Carr's where he borrowed another 5. then 2. I think. Kept buying drinks for three or four women. Don Anderson sold me a pint of horseradish his woman was mad and put on a jealous act. Disgusting.

May 21 Sunny & windy Geo sponged off the car. Finished the buttonhole in the dress so that’s done. Got upstairs nearly cleaned. As soon as car was done he changed clothes & disappeared. I wanted to go with him but he wouldn't let me. Took John to work as his car was in shop. Came about seven. Gave him some supper & he went to bed for awhile. Went to work.

May 22 Cloudy &warm. Geo wouldn't let me cash the check. He cashed $7 check from Henbest & 141.93. Gave me 100.00 & I put 75.00 in bank & made a 60.00 check for his insurance. Got 10.00 of groceries. He got in a euker game at Griska. Played till after seven gave me 4.25. I paid milk bill 2.37. We went to out door theater stopped & he had coffee & doughnuts. He paid Carr 5.00 Griska 2.00 put 4.00 gas & got cigarettes etc about 4.00. Then he put in 2.00 more gas .36 a gal. Betty went to Home Bureau & I served cost 2.00 in all for me.

May 23 # Cold clear sunny & windy. Geo took car about twelve & went to Griska. Came about 2:30 got dinner & he went to bed. Got up & went to Clears after tomatoes plants. Got 4 doz 1.75. Prichard called Fred about one & he ran as usual. Its now 12 & he hasn't come. Steve & Dottie took #10 for New York and Betty has the children. Baked a pie for her tonight making it from stuff Dolores thawed out. I furnished the sugar & gas. Dolores gave me 2 sponge rubber pillows for anniversary present & 2 white pillow cases. Got 5.00 of groceries.

May 24 A very nice day. Didn't do much of anything. Cooked a chicken gave what they wanted to Betty. John took Fred's car so he couldn't drive it. Went & got it. Went to Callears & he signed up for 90 days. Lots of calls for Corson's cottage but no real bits. The pony was castrated today. Fred is smart as usual but will have sore head tomorrow. Go called to Scranton tonight.

May 25 Nice day some rain in the morning. Geo ran off as dinner was ready. He had been with John. Called for 3:30. Decided to wash car. Put dent in door & fender scraped by cutting too short on the steps. After he went to work I drove down to Dora's She's showed himself to Gloria. Went home with Dellie. Got home 11:30. Fred asleep on couch. Fred on pet.

May 26 A very nice day. Did the washing & had my hair done. Like it for a change cut washed & set. Geo took pony to beer joint. Said he was going back for awhile didn't come so about 9:30 saw him downtown with a couple of kids acting like drunken rubes. At 11:30 they were talking to police, the kids. He didn't come in till 2:15. It sure makes me sore that he can borrow money to be such a wonderful rich guy with kids.

May 27 A very nice day. Geo got up early and went to Griska. Came home & shaved & dressed up & went back. Called him at one to come home for dinner but he didn't come till 2:30. Cut out raspberry linen dress. Bake a doz cup cakes. Mopped kitchen. As soon as Geo ate took horse & went again. Did the ironing I blew up this morning & he said he wouldn't give me any money. After he went to work I basted the dress.

May 28 Another nice day. Economy day downtown. Betty and I went down but didn't find anything we wanted. She bought a white pair of wedges. It rained nearly all the afternoon. Geo was to the beer joint. John was here his father had called him about putting add in paper pasture for the pony and he was having a fit. Went to Hghts got thread and went up to Dolores. She wants me to make a chemise dress. Fred & Betty got 200.00 for David and signed off tonight. Fred still going around with sore head.

May 28 Robert Bruce Ellison's birthday. A nice day. Geo only gave me 25.00. Said he was going to put 100.00 in the bank but didn't. Insisted I go after groceries and as soon as I was gone he went to Carr's. He must have lost money there because he had only 95.00 left. Fred didn't give Betty any money. Got David his bicycle and Bobby a gun & airplane. Betty had to wait on table at school for banquet & dance for the eight graders. Kenny went but wouldn't dance. Got home about 12:00 and guess she straightened house for they didn't settle till nearly one. Gave Bobby two dollars.

May 30 A very lovely day. Monkeyed around till Geo go up. He went & baited pony then we went to Wellsburg for a turkey dinner then drove down Bentley Creek Rd. Think the Bernets that wanted the pony are justice of the peace. They weren't home. Saw Belle Weids store & they were gone. Betty blew up this morning she is tired out. They went to Towanda to the races. Guess it was very dusty. Didn't get home till 9:30. I was getting worried. Drove some where but didn't find what they were looking. Betty has sick head ache and feels very badly.

May 31 A very warm day. Fred didn't give Betty any money and she don't know what to do for groceries. # Went to church and got meals. Geo came while I was at church. Had a bad thunder storm and were without lights and television for about two hours. Hoped we'd get somewhere but didn't.

June 2 A nice day. Betty did a very big washing. I went up to Dolores and helped her fix a dress. John came in the meantime and got his father. John got new ice box. They were both terribly drunk. Mrs mason, Dolores, Betty and I went down down as far they wanted to by stugg at Hobby Shop. Got Geo a bead weaving out fit 2.50. Took 20.00. Geo out travelers checks and John burned up a 10.00 one. I was so ashamed of them both before Mrs Masen.

June 3 A very warm muggy day. Betty and I went to lodge. A man from Mansfield came & wanted the pony. Geo has worked a lot in the garden.

June 4 # A very nice day on the cool side. Made a batch of cookies and cut out a blue chemise dress. Fred left this morning early to go to Canada fishing with Pritchard. He borrowed my casting rod. They came about 4:30 and took the pony. The man seems very nice. Had some nice snap shots of his wife and place.

June 5 A nice day. Betty had Fred’s check. I put 115.00 in the bank leaving us 59.00. Got 10.00 groceries and paid 25.00 for lumber. Gave Geo some money. Don't see what he did with 14.50 from Ins. Check. We went to drive in. Had showers this evening but cleared off for the show. Saw “God Made Woman” & City of Gold. Old pictures of Dawson City.

June 6 A nice day altho it started out cloudy. Did a big washing and cleaned upstairs. After Geo went to work did the ironing. Watched late movie till about two. Finished blue chemise dress and did the mending. I baked a banana cake. Got a letter from Dellie and she is having lawyer stop Janiga from cutting trees and tearing buildings to pieces.

June 7 Elmer Casady 71. Geo slept most of the day. Dolores called and we went & got groceries for her. Geo washed car and we went to races at Chemung. Fred came about nine and went immediately to beer joint altho he was sober when he came home. Betty had gone to Harker's. He got very drunk and made a regular ass of himself keeping Betty up all night & never sleeping himself. Cleaned downstairs this morning.

June 8 Did not go to church after Geo went to work went down to John's and to Leona's. Her brother had heart spell last night. Geo took a drink after going nearly a week. Got money from some place. Fred left for Buffalo mad as usual and has left for good. Took the car and was drunk as usual when he goes around with sore head. Geo gave him ten dollars which was in travelers checks.

June 9 Cloudy. Did not wash but Betty did. Geo is spending travelers checks like a drunken sailor. Slept most of day. I worked on bead tie & Geo got mad at me because I thought he was foolish giving Fred money to get drunk on in Buffalo. Went to Y and played cards. Said he was a head a couple of dollars. About tomorrow he'll go on drunk. John got a baby pig Sunday.

June 10 Rainy have to make pie for church supper. Geo took car and when I telephoned about pie said they wouldn't need it. Have puttered all day. Made myself a lemon pie gave Betty the cream I made for church. Geo went out this afternoon and filled up as I thought. Dolores down a few minutes this afternoon. Took my birdcage home.

June 11 Nice today but cool. Geo and I went to see God's Little Acre. It was good but no plot and not much to it. I was disappointed in a way. Haven't done much of anything but straighten dining room & kitchen gave the bird a good cleaning. Fred came home on late train tonight. Guess he's glad to be home.

June 12 A cool day. Geo signed his check and I put 75.00 in bank. Check 127.00. Took bills of Mrs Naida to bank and changed. Fred and Betty took car in afternoon & got groceries. They are going to have hard sliding for awhile.

June 13 Rain all day. Went and got groceries 10:00. Put 25.00 in bank paid 2.85 milk bill so have about 11.00 left. Went up to Dolores & they had gone to Candor. Stephan & Kevy playing in cellar. Haven't done much of anything all day.

June 14 Sunny & cool. I washed windows upstairs. Dellie came about noon. Got her lunch. Geo started out early. Came about 4 & went to bed. Betty went downtown with Dellie. Dellie got 4 dresses & Betty 2. I got cleaned to kitchen. Got supper. Fred called for #3. All went to C.D. Show. Good but couldn't hear talking too loud. Very cold. Geo went to work. Betty put up Dellie's hair to bed at 1:30.

June 15 # Cool Sunny. Dellie & I went to Audrey's & Sibley's. Had dinner and she left about 5:30. he has a nice place. Henrich gave us five qts of strawberries. Got home about nine. David wouldn't go because he wanted to go to Harris Hill & ride in a glider. His father had promised but we didn't know.

June 16 Sunny but not too warm. Did a large washing and an ironing also the mending. Fred got the work train. Geo worked awhile in the garden left at eleven with 3.00. Came at 1:30 and had had plenty. Ask me to get dinner. Got his teeth and left came again at 4:30. Pollocks back of us put in driveway & hauled dirt to Dickenson. Geo had had so much to drink he was very sore for he wanted the dirt.

June 17 # Cold & cloudy. Geo slept nearly all day. Fred went to Audrey's to work. We stopped at Dolores when we came home. She was baking. I got dinner & made a batch of cookies from D recipe. Betty baked also. We both went to lodge supper at St Lukes church. Did not stay. Geo and I went to drive in. Saw a very good show. He (Fred) only charged Stub the ten dollars he borrowed and 2.60 for gas.

June 18 Cold & dreary. Haven't felt too well, have very bad pain in back of head at base of brain . Neck is sore to touch around cords. Betty & I went after bread and went down to Jean's. Got the shawl I loaned her Sat. night. After supper went to Dolores. Smith's were there. Took flowers Mrs Naida gave her. Did not stay long. Geo was up when I got back. Went to bed at ten.

June 19 Sunny & a little warmer. Henrich called this morning and said strawberries would be ready Sat of Sun. Geo's check was $142.42. Fred got 48.00. Paid 77.00 on car. Light bill 15.00 and 17.00 groceries. Should get a few more. John came over about 11:00 PM with a couple of girls and got his projector and my curtain. Telephoned about 11:45 and said projector was broken. No one has ever used it but George. Couldn't go to sleep it worried me so. George gave John 5.00. Fred went to Audrey's. Stub gave him 10.00 for working. Fred went out on HB7 at 9:10 PM.

June 20 Cloudy this morning. Geo has gone over on Magee Street to see if he can get the ball to the trailer hitch nickled. I made Betty a dress and she washed my windows inside and out downstairs & the blinds, then went thro her house and came & helped me by running the vacuum. We went to store G U about seven and to Dolores got her somethings 4.00 of groceries. Did not get her dress done.

June 21 A nice day. Geo only slept a couple of hours and we decided to go to Wellesboro to the Laurel Festival. Saw the parade and stopped in Mansfield & picked 12 qts strawberries $4.20 .35 a qt. Geo picked nine qts. There was a firemans parade in Pine City so we waited and saw that. Got home about 9:00 very tired but had a nice day. Geo bought a camp stool 1.79.

June 22 A nice day. No one went to church. After Geo went to work I drove over to HV cemetery & to Spencer where I put flowers. Went to Dora, Dellie & she had gone to Geneva. Waited & they came just before eleven stayed till 12 got home 12:45. Betty wouldn't go because she wanted to get kids clothes ready.

June 23 A nice day. Did a big washing as I had to get up early to get George and take Fred's family to train. After Geo got up he cleaned all up. I had to go over to Mrs Owen's as I thought I had plastic drape and found I'd taken them there. When I got back he took the car. I was very nervous so I called him at Park View after awhile he came and he drove to Ithaca by way of Spencer. Stopped in Van Etten, Possinger's, Fisher's and Bowen's then on to Ithaca where he called Ruth Brower and we went to see Mabel, Mimmie & Aunt Mary. He stopped in tuff section of Ithaca again in Newfield and at the Junction. Had a good time tho.

June 24 Cloudy and warmer. Did big ironing. Washed dining room curtains and hung also kitchen. Did big ironing and mended two pair pants and suit coat took me most of afternoon. Geo borrowed five dollars of Griska and took the last money I had to pay back. I was sore but he had enough to buy drinks.

June 25 Nice day. Straighten all through. Betty and I went up to Dolores for a little while. She gave me a bag for her father's Father's day present and me ear rings and two violets. I was pleased. Geo must have done a lot of running around as the car was low on gas in fact empty.

June 26 Cloudy but no rain. Geo put 100.00 in the bank and says he's going to do it every payday till he goes on vacation. Like to see it done. Went after meat got Dolores hamburg and 4.11 and for ourselves. Spent about 4.00 on drinks and I have 11.00 for week. Geo has a dollar gave Kenneth 2.00 for his birthday. They went to Harker's and Kenneth and Wayne stayed. Have to go after them Tues as Kenneth has dentist appointment. Car was out of gas this morning when he tried to start it. Geo had borrowed 5.00 of De Donna that had to be paid today out of 39.00.

June 27 Kenneth Frederick Ellison's birthday. A nice day. Didn't do anything all day but regular work. Mad a big pot of soup. Geo dinner for her and kids. Worked on Dolores rug. Geo took bath and I took one when I went to bed. Little rabbits have their eyes open and they are pretty good size. Betty cleaned and washed.

June 28 Sunny and cool. There’s a foreign car race in Watkins. Geo washed the car & insisted Betty take it to go downtown about 12. We came home at 1:30. He was at Carr's. Fred got called for 3 & saw the car go up Grand Central. I drove down town saw him with Stanley Cooper and another fellow with red jacket. Came about 8 in fine condition. I got sunglasses & cloth for two culottes.4.18. Borrowed money.

June 29 Went to church very hot. Went with Fred to take David to Boy Scout camp. While gone Geo gets up and leaves about 3. We left 2:30 and never shows up till about 1:30. He was at Griska's about 3:00. I am sore Couldn't go with me has riding enough. Borrowed money.

June 30 My mother Viola Melissa Sibley born 1875 – 83. I blew up both last night and this morning. Know it does no good but there's one thing certain no going to Wyoming for me. Did a big washing. Ran around for real estate but got no where's. Geo had driven car more than 85 mi. He rushed to borrow more money put in gas had two dollar left. Went up to Dolores and he cut kids hair. I took care of kids while Betty and Dolores went after strawberries. Each picked me six Qts 12 qt .25 $3.00.

July 1 Very hot 93. Went up to Dolores this morning and helped her a litter over two hours with her berries. Came home got Geo something to eat. Geo went back to bed. Did mine. Had 9 qts. Fred & Betty went to Harker's. Mrs Harker came back with them. Had a flat tire which he thinks is ruined. Dolores went after berries again. Got me ten qts .25 a qt also some bags .69 3.00. Did my ironing and I'm all in.

July 2 Julia Hamilton's birthday. Very hot. Geo took car down to have body work done and they could only do part of it so he took it to Hudson body shop & they'll do it tomorrow. Went up to Dolores & worked 2 ½ hours on her berries. When I came home Geo was at Griska I started on my berries. Had 7 qts. Geo has made half doz trips. Came home with Deats, took him somewhere very secretive probably something about Deat's wife. Straightened through downstairs. Betty's television gave out. Mr Benjamin said it would have to go in the shop. Looked ours said tube very weak. No charge.

July 3 A nice day. Geo came in from work and changed his pants to take car to garage to have fender & door to be fixed. It was to be done by noon. Fred & Betty saw his car at the Cross Roads tavern about one I tried to find him but he has left town. Didn't show up till 10:45. I was mad & blew up altho I knew it wouldn't do any good but three times in a row was just too much.

July 4 Cloudy. Got up about eight and packed a suitcase. Geo had driven car about 85 mi. Had put in gas and was about ¾ full. Drove up to Dolores but they were sleeping & Steve worked. Drove down to Harold Strong and had dinner and a lovely visit. Wants to sell his farm 35,000. 210 acres about 70 under cultivation. Then drove to Candor. They were along & stayed all night. Rain very hard till about 12:30 and again at night.

July 5 Wayne Ellison's birthday. Sunny & very warm. Left about one for home. Thought Dolores was going to Avoca but Steve had to work and she wouldn't go because it was so late. Went down town with Dolores & Gladys bad storm came and we drove to house & I closed window & got a couple of dresses & shoes. Geo had his good clothes on and was gone. Saw a safe in his drawer. Stayed at Dolores.

July 6 We didn't do much of anything all day. Marked off my hem in dress. Pressed off my clothes etc. Went to drive in and Fred and Betty were there also. Very good show but fog came up and could not get the ending.

July 7 A very warm humid day. Got up gave Beth bath & fed her. Washed some of my clothes with Dolores. Ironed them & about 2:00 left. Stopped and got 4.00 gas and qt oil. Was way down. Stopped and had my glasses tightened. Got in Waverly where I stopped in hospital and saw Mr Hill who was in a bad auto accident a week ago. Left about 4:30 and got down to Mary Arnold's at six. We went up & saw Mrs Lillibridge and Helen Sanysson came over. Stayed with Mrs Arnold. To bed about 11:00. Rained very hard about 10:30.

July 8 Very warm. Rain about 2 PM. Got up about 8. After breakfast Mrs Arnold cleaned her bathroom and we visited. Left about twelve & went over to Helen's where I stayed an hour. Mrs Arnold tried to make me promise I'd come back. Went to Anna Herbert's where I at dinner & supper we traded receipts and left at 8:30. Got home about e10:45. Cowgills were on their vacation and had gone west. Mrs. Dunendorger is failing mentally. Anne has to dress her and care for her like a child. She's 82. Rained about 2 to 6.

July 9 Georgia Ellison 12. A very nice day. Did a very large washing and straightened thro the house was a mess. Can't see how one person could do it. Did the ironing and some mending. Geo going around with sore head. Seems as tho whats good for the gander shouldn't be for the goose. Took a bath & put my hair up.

July 10 Pay day. Don't expect any so won't be disappointed. Finished the culottes. Geo has walked to beer joint three times altho he has a qt of liquor& six bottles of beer. I was going with him but he walked right away & didn't answer or act as tho he heard me. Steve & Dolores were going after cherries and thought they wanted me to take care of kids but they didn't telephone. Soap is all gone so if I was he'll get some or it won't get done.

July 11 Rained early this morning. Called Dolores and she wants help on cherries. She had about five qts pitted. She had to run around and took De Sota as their car won't start. I pitted about twenty qts. Had 15 qts sour or rather 16 and 22 pts sweet which we canned. Came home & got supper. Then picked 4 pts of beans & processed them to freeze. Took bath & washed my hair.

July 12 Cloudy, rain. Betty, Dolores, Steve, Kevin & David picked cherries even tho it rained. I took care of kids. Hung clothes baked two batches of cookies sorted clothes. They came about 4. Then we all got busy & did all the cherries. Cost me 9.70. Betty had 63 lbs. Us 50 sour & me did 9 qts of sweet. Came home & the kitchen was a mess where Geo had opened a can of beets & they had flown all over the kitchen. I was mad for he could have washed some of it up. Took the damn curtains down. He had had a gang there & drank half of the liquor all his beer & the 7 up also two bottles of coke. Geo had been downtown got a new pair of overalls. Again I blew up and he was mad because I wasn't home. Took my keys from my pocket book when his were on the bookcase. Had to put in another qt of oil & 2.00 of gas. Lock on trunk came apart & can't open it. The gang was John's CD

July 13 Washed & did some cleaning Geo disappeared with the car and didn't show up till after one. Had driven it about 100 mi.

July 14 Girls went after black raspberries. Rained hard but they got ten qts a piece. Got me some too.

July 24 Pay Day. Geo had both checks which he cashed 278.00. Of course he's real rich. Had a few drinks. Betty's pipes sprang a leak in cellar. He went to store & got shoes, shirt, pocketbook for me. When we came back Steve had torn the pipe out. Geo was sore & he came down and put it back. Didn't give me any money. Went and looked at movie camera. After supper went to Griska and then to a dozen other joints.

July 25 # Very warm. Got about 15.00 of pipe & new faucet for front & mixing faucet for kitchen. Geo got it all started for Fred to finish then he ran off to beer joint. Sure can't see what is so fascinating in those places. Should think after a while he'd get sick of there foolish talk. You'd think everything said there was gospel truth & not drunken chatter.

July 26 Very warm. Did up work & left at 11:30 to go after Kevin. Got back at 3:00 & Geo took car saying he was going to see about camera. Never came home I looked for him downtown but he wasn't there said his car was in parking lot but I looked in them and knew he lied.

July 27 Very warm. Geo did not get in until 4:30. Got up early & went to Johnson's & got movies outfit. Said he paid the 100.00. Went to work at four & I found he'd been out with woman and some one had been driving car after he told me he had been playing cards. Car had been driven about 100 mi. I hope ever lie he has ever told me he has to pay for. Spent about 40.00 on their good time.

July 28 Very very warm. Did a big washing. Picked beans with some help from David two big pails. Geo left when he saw work. Didn't come until 11:30 pretty well loaded. Got supper which he didn't come for & had 13 pts & 1 qt beans. Rested & mopped kitchen. Rested and at 10:00 began ironing. Got thro about 12:00. All Dots kids have poison ivy. Jumped Geo about picture I found in book of matches. He was sore.

July 29 Very very hot & muggy. Did not get up till after eleven & found the refrigerator turned off. I had put away clothes basket & pulled plug. Geo got up early but as usual did nothing. Had to clean it. Got dinner and by the time got kitchen cleaned Dolores called & wanted me to bring car so she could take baby Beth to doctors. Steve had to work overtime. Came home. Got supper Started to clean. Naida came over & I was telling him about car. It is low on oil in transmission & brakes need adjusting of fluid cleaned downstairs.

July 30 Very warm & muggy altho a breeze. Giving upstairs a good cleaning. Took car down and he said transmission oil alright and to bring it down at 7:30 and they would go right to work on it. Geo started away & I got in car. Had a few drinks. Went & saw water skiing at Park. Home for supper & to show at Drive in. not so good.

July 31 A very warm day. Fred got the checks 174. Geo wouldn't give me any. I blew up for I'm getting really fed up on his pinching me so he can have it to spend on someone else and spend other ways. He's going to show me how mean he can really be. Don't think he can be any meaner than he has been so why should I worry about his threats. Took car down early this morning for a check up of the noises. They called about 4 & said they had found the worst noise & it would need a new drive shaft. Could they keep car.

Aug 1 A very very warm day. They called about 11 and wanted to know if I could bring his mechanic home in about half hour. I was sleeping so sound. Never heard telephone, or knocking & she said she called me 4 or 5 times. Went over to see Griska & tell him about farm at Pine Valley Edsell near Masia Grill $32,500 300 acres 2 barns 8 room house pond and he wanted to go see Mrs Savage who is closing out a beer joint on Lake which negroes patronize. After that went down to Dora's. Geo was in bed with his door closed. Wonder if he thinks I car just hope he doesn't smother.

Aug 2 A nice day. Geo got up early. Cut kids hair next door. David left for camp at Big Pond on Bentley Creek. After straightening house and Geo's selling St. Watkins old antiques in cellar which brought in about 15.00. I think & Mrs. Johnson's bringing movie camera & Geo going to bed I went & got colored film. 1.92 – 50ft & 20 slides. 1.55 colored went to see Mr Hills in hospital & up to Dolores. Home supper & pack pail.

Aug 3 A nice day. We Dolores & family & Fred’s family. Went to Barber reunion. After Steve drove us up to Dora's farm. Stayed awhile but no invitation to supper. Dora feeling miserable. Betty took boys & went to David's camp, but everything was over. We all got home about same time. Geo gone & hadn't bothered to eat. Betty fed Dolores family. Took macaroni salad & baked beans.

Aug 4 A nice day. Rain this morning. Tried to sign up Mrs Savage to sell her building and business but says she'll let me know Wed. or Thurs. Went over to John's this afternoon and got Jean's sewing machine going. George gave John screen (or Loaned it to him) He's going around with sore head same as George. Mad 2 cukes this morning. Had supper at Betty's. George got in at one this morning. Had dirt on his pants lipstick on his shirt.

Aug 5 Very, very warm. Took car to garage where they fixed seat and were supposed to fix light switch but didn't, also there's a rattle underneath. Geo went with John to ride. Had had a drink or so and when he started to take the car I piled in. Went to Carr's I had 2, then to Gilberts 1 and to Gino 1 & then to Park View 7 up, up to Sibley's when he took 2 qts beer, there to drive in where he stopped at Subs. During intermission he went Libertors after drinking on. Came out with bottle which I drank. Picture “Teachers Pet”& were good but not interesting to him so he slept thro last one. Stopped at Griska's where I didn't go in.

Aug 6 Very very warm. Took car to garage and they gave me appointment for Friday morning. Went after license which I couldn't get till I have certificate from Dr. Went to Roemelt but no appointment till 25th. Got reel .75. When I came back Geo & I went to Griska's then for ice box for fish 11.95 up at 7 up place. Then got movie film 4 $1.92 – 7.68. He filled car with gas. Said he'd spent 24.50 check. Went to Griska's tonight & cashed last weeks check said there was 177.00 in pocket book.

Aug 7 David Lee Ellison's birthday. A very warm day. Geo & Prichard went on a drunk. Geo came about 12:30. Had spent about 6 to 9. Had bought 4 rolls of film 1.90 a roll when we could have gotten it for 1.55 and 2.00 of stamps. Had a new light put in car. Dolores came down. Had dinner here and we went looking for a dress for me which we didn't find. Came home after eating supper at Dolores. Geo ate over to Betty's. Cut out a dress after first cutting pattern from dress I like with scrolls. Thro at ten. Washed hair. Thunder storm tonight made an appointment with Dr. Wladis for 3:30. Dread it like everything. Gave David 2.00 and spent 2.90 for shorts.

Aug 8 Very warm yet couldn't sleep last night. Afraid my pressure will be very high as I'm so nervous. Went to Wladis & its 210 over 130 which is high. Gave me a shot for hot flashes. Dellie came about eight and had to get her an extra supper. Talked till about one. Dolores called this morning & she & Betty went looking for me clothes. Got two 3.00 and one 5.00 dress at Jeromes. Took 40.00 from Geo. Got 12.00 of groceries. Spent 5.00 yesterday. Dorothy and family came to Dolores tonight for weekend.

Aug 9 Very, very hot. After doing up work & washing we went looking for dresses for her. Bought earrings for Betty. Stopped at Leona's & Sibley's. Came home & had supper then to see Austin Hills. Think he's a very sick man. Came home & went up to Dolores’s for a few minutes then nothing to do but we must rush away to get to a beer joint and 1:30 AM to get to bed.

Aug 10 Very very warm. After Geo went to work we went up to Dolores & had supper. Bad rain storm. Fred & Betty went to fair also supper with us. Took Care of kids so 12:01 before we got home.

Aug 11 Very warm. Dellie did the ironing Sunday. Both of us didn't feel so well so didn't do much of anything. Geo put on all white clothes and left about 12 as dinner was cooking. We waited till after 3 for him to come home, ate a sandwich & then went up to Audrey's. She got a bad knock in motor. Saw Geo's car at Park View. He didn't come so we ate dinner then went to fair. A wonderful show. Geo not home at one and we didn't find car anywhere.

Aug 12 Robby Hobby Barber born 1871 my father would be 87. Cooler today. Haven't done anything all day. Dellie left and went to Dolores because she thought Geo didn't want her here because he stayed out all night and didn't show up till 11:00 AM this morning. I am sore. Went down & got my license and over to Jean's. Light & Water bill came. Went to fair & saw show over its just lovely. As usual Geo left me came home 11:30. Put my hair up & watched late show. Gave Betty earrings for her birthday as I was afraid she might buy them for herself.

Aug 14 Foggy early this morning. Started at 8AM. Stopped for check 145.00Milage 4948 with me driving with ¾ tank of gas. Mi 5201 13 gal .301/2 4.00 tank ¾ full in Oil City. At Warren Ohio 29.9 2.26 7.5 gal 5.00 PM Gas at Angola on Ind. Turn pike 3.00 9.1 gas; 32.9 a gal. Didn't stop till 11:00 last night. Had a very hard thundershower as we left Ohio & came into Indiana. Never saw such lightening. Our suitcases were on top of car & my clothes were soaked. Case about ruined. $9.26 gas plus what we had in tank.

Aug 15 Rain 5589 mi 10:15 fast time. 641 mi. Yesterday. Stayed at Cabin near Elkhart, rained very hard this morning & is still raining. Had cabin with cooking but Geo wouldn't let me even make tea. Breakfast 2 eggs, potatoes & coffee, toast .55. Me cereal .20. Gas out of Elkhart 29.9 13.3 $4.00 5610 Gas at Freeport 6:15 PM 5842 34.6 a gal 11.6 gal 4.00 ¾ full Ate lunch on road cooked a good one.

Aug 16 5871 with 1 ½ quarts gas. Had breakfast at Waterloo. Stayed at Sleepy Hollow Motel at Manchester Iowa. Bought 4.00 of gas but he didn't get price or gals. Ate in a lovely park at Emmetsburg. Ran into a bad storm just after turning on route 9 thought everything would be soaked but he had cases well covered. Room was terribly hot.

Aug 17 Stayed at Carstota Corners just out of Sioux Falls in a down stairs bedroom 4.00 bath at end of hall mi 6381 going 410 mi. Cut up to reach #18 & then he didn't like the route but wouldn't look at map. Getting started at 8 there time. It's sunny & very warm. Gas reg .34 ½ 12.2 4.25 1574 full 6755 gas 35.9 $436 12.1 gal. Stayed in car.5.00

Aug 18 Frank Webber wedding anniversary married 51 years. Gas at Waterloo Iowa where there's a gas war paid 3.61 gal oil .50 12 gal 24.9 a gal. Started early before 8. Had breakfast then went to Old Stage coast drive 1.00 each. I saw wax figure scenes which were very good cost .50 6811 mi Stopped in Hill City to pictures at I'm imagine on turn. Gas at Spearfish 36.3 a gal 10.9 4.00

Aug 19 7092 .36 7.4 gal – 2.65 218 mi yesterday. Very very hot. Stayed at Boadus Mont in a Powder River Hotel. Nice room but terribly noisy with traffic and the people who had rooms. So far used 40.13 of gas. In Billings 3.00 gas .35 8.3. In Big Timber 3.00 .35 8.3 & 1 qt oil. Had dinner in Hardin at a park after going over Custer Battle Field which I was disappointed in Left park about 3 their time.

Aug 20 7457 365 mi Got started at 8:45 mailed cards & letter. Stopped and drove to Lewis & Clark Cave where Geo took some pictures and bought shirts & books. Stopped & got water at interance. Gas at Butte mi 7568 36.9 8.1 $3.00. Gas at Anaconda 6.1 gal 33 $2.00 oil here also. Missoula – gas 7715 36.9 7.1 gal 2.8 Geo had soup & hot pork sandwich & I had ice cream 1.09. I could hardly eat it I was so full. Stopped at Anaconda had diner & I got 4.52 groceries. Geo did other shopping. Stopped at Mullan Idaho. Geo had car greased 1.75 change of oil 3.00 filter 3.45 .50 for tip & piece of rock & silver.

Aug 21 7841 started at 10:00 284 mi their came with about half tank gas stayed at cabin Mullan Idaho 4.00 not so hot. Gas 37. gal 8 gal $3.00. Shirts for David & Kevin. Cashed a fifty. Drove up to Conlee Dam where we looked around & took pictures. Stopped at Gink Museum of Petrified wood. Geo went up a very steep back where a petrified log had been dragged out. Got a small piece. Stopped in cabin at Ellenburg. 5.00 Geo gave man cheese because he flew in air on .17 sales tax. After supper went down town where he got beer and a couple of drinks also ice also gas 3.30 32.9 gal 10 gal.

Aug 22 # 8177 – 336 yesterday. Started a 8:45 their time it is 12:45 ours. Went thro the Rainies State Park about noon. Stopped on Highway 99 3.00 gas 8.6 gal 34.8 a gal. In Portland Ore at six filled up with Shell gas 9.1 gal 32.9 $3.00 full tank. Stayed at Albany in cabin 6.00. A three room affair with refrigerator & stove nice & clean. Had mush & milk for supper. George didn't even go out for a drink. Stopped & got two dollars & 30 cents of groceries & George got ice. Slept very well. Geo is getting anxious to get going as we started on our way home.

Aug 23 8558 mi started at 9:30 8651 gas at Oakwidge 36.6 8.4 gal 3.00 George got coffee and ran his mouth. I ruined a whole roll of film when only a foot or so was ruined as the end had come loose and I didn't stop to reason it out. Got up wrong side of bed this morning and I'd stop to reason would have lost only about 3 ft & could have used other side most of pictures of Mt Rainer. Stopped in Chennult Ore for Geo to have a drink. Entered Crater Park about 6:30 and drove part way around rim. Had supper and went to lecture. Very good slides or movies of most interesting points. To bed about ten 1.00 mi enter 8780.

Aug 24 Very sunny started about 8 pm. Drove around got gas 37.7 5.3 gal $2.00. Visited flower gardens & museum & took pictures in Kalamath Falls gas 36.3 8.2 gal 3.00 In Weed 3.00 37.9 7.9 gal. & milk shake & liquor & beer for George. He did a good job of it yesterday entered California about one & first thing drink.

Aug 25 9089 309 mi. Started at 8:00 PM. Stayed in Lassen Volcanic Park again sleeping in car. Wanted him to stop before entering & camp along a steam but he wouldn't & drove till after dark or about 8:30. Hadn't had a hot meal all day and all he'd had was a sandwich. Gas 3.00 38.6 7.8 gal. Got over 7.00 in groceries while Geo got 3 bottles beer 1.15 & cards & paper also other drink at Ginny. Gas ate Trucker 9266 4.00 36.9 10.9gal. Stayed all night in car. At Tahoe City we asked & the cheapest was 8.00 Had a lovely spot. Where we at our dinner we stayed about three hours so it was dark to drive thro Lake Tahoe region which is very beautiful with Mts on both sides of it.

Aug 26 9318 – 268 mi. Thought we had an excellent spot but on waking this morning there were cars and fisherman all around us. Left there immediately and drove 2-3 miles out & off the road where we had breakfast. Geo fished both took baths & changed clothes, left there a little after eleven. Our car looked over again by inspectors $3.00 384 7.9 gal.

Aug 27 Kevin Stephen Polovick's birthday. 9522 – Bishop gas 3.00 38.8 7.8 gal. Did a little shopping hats $6.17. Gas at Loni Pine 100 mi from Death Valley 6.4 gal .40 2.60 1 qt oil plus .4 on dollar tax. Went fishing caught one large & two small trout. Didn't get any dinner at what we had in car. Got some dry ice .75 in Bishop. About four when we left fishing. Got to death Valley about seven. Got off our road I think & stayed all night in car. Very hot. In fact air so hot it was like an oven even tho it was dark. Slept with our clothes off & sweated then.

Aug 28 9718 Got up this morning before the sun five o'clock had breakfast. Ice about gone. Geo went over on plateau & now sun is up & its beginning to get hot. Stove Pipe Wells 2.00 .42 4.4 gas on 6 – 395 37.6 4.00 10 gal. 9989 gas Majaire 3.00 34.9 8.6 gal. Stayed in motel 8.00 De Long very nice place. Geo had a fit driving thro Los Angles butt we made it with out any trouble or getting off the road. He was as contary as you please and I even found out where to find the St Dorothy acted queer. Her mother asked us to stay over night.

Aug 29 10150 gas 12.5 gal 30.9 #3.85. Are on our way to Anaheim out of city & on right its 20 mi from Torrence. Its now 1:20 PM. This morning we got over there about 11:30 Dorothy & Ruth gone to LA after materials. Geo felt very hurt. John is pants & no shoes. Think we were more of a bother than a pleasure. Very disappointed in the way they used us. No invitation to even have a cup of coffee. Went on to Disney Land. Left there and called Yeier's about 7:30 what a difference. Stay right where you are we''ll be after you got us an extra supper piloted us out on 66, were more than cordial. Stayed in car just outside Barstow.

Aug 30 10324 gas 3.00 .35 gas at Needles 10.5 37.9 $4.00 and ice terrifically hot. Think its hotter than in Death Valley. Went on a ways & got a cooler 15.00 U gave three dollars just 8 gal 34.8. Cooler helped some but could have been better. Didn't get to Grand Canyon till nearly dark & Geo had to sit & gab till it was dark then we could find no place in camp. Had to put drive in & had mush & milk to bed at 8:30

Aug 31 Up this morning at six. 10784 gas on road to Flagstaff $4.00 1 qt oil .50 stopped at Flagstaff & had dinner. Geo drove up to Walipatka Monument when he took fire road for 5 mi. Drove up to Walnut Canyon where Cove Dwellers ruins. 36.3 10.6 4.00 in Winslow. At window Rocl gas 9.2 gas 32.9 3.00.

Sept 1 gas 3.8 2.77 at Gallup. Stayed in car in park just this side of Gallup didn't stop for breakfast because of no toilets. 11218 gas 3.00 36 ½ gas at Santa Rosa 4.00 10.9 gal gas 3.00 30.9 9.7 gal. Near Glenrio just before entering Texas. Saw more state troopers in N Mexico than at any time on our trip. It was cold last night but very hot today. Crossed into Texas about five. Stayed in a very dirty place at Conway 3.00. Took baths, had canned chili concarni for supper which wasn't so good. George went up to store bought a plate had pie which wasn't good & 2 glasses of milk. Bed was good & we slept well.

Sept 2 11702 Got started at 7:10 there time have picked up an hour. Only 20 min from time out of bed before we were driving. At Shamrock gas 27.8 14.2 gal 3.96. Had breakfast here .65. 30.9 3.00 9 gal. Stayed at Salisaw 4.00. Had car greased 1.50 oil changed 3.00 put in 5 qts when it calls for only 4 qt gas 14.6 gal 2.23. Head light 2.95. Geo drove a mile out & got ½ pt liquor and 4 qts cans beer. Thought we were going to have drink in cabin. He had already had two and a couple before that so he was in a mood to get mad when I didn't want to stop for hot sandwich so went to bed without anything.

Sept 3 Got started about 8:45 mi 12165 – 474 gas at Bald Knob Arkansas 3.00 9.4 gal 31.9 gas 28.9 10 gal 3.00 at KingsSprigs Tenn. Stayed in Tennessee Denver in cabin 4.00 not any kitchen good bed no window except air conditioner. No spread. Shower or rather sewer lugged so we couldn't take shower. Water from toilet came up. Geo afraid he'd catch cold with air condition on so I had to sweat it out. Geo got a fish costing 2.65 and we didn't stop so we gave it to a colored boy.

Sept 4 12610 33.6 gal 8.9 gal 3.00 on Kentucky Turnpike. 30.5 13.9 gal 4.00. Haven't time to see anything. Drove nearly 600 miles today. Had bad storms. Drove to after 11:00 then stopped at road side table & slept. Got started this morning about 7 AM. Saw storm for hours before the storm broke.

Sept 5 Lalia Ellison Morgan 1926 Birthday.

Gas 13.4 43,00 29.9


    1. 33.9 4.00

gas 2.00 6.7 gal 29.9

13729 13905

4948 13725

8781 208

Started at 5 AM got home about 9:30. We telephoned where we had a fish dinner & Geo said we'd be home by seven but I knew we couldn't make it. He drove just like hell & was mad because I couldn't drive 70 on crooked roads. John & family came & stayed till after one. I thought I couldn't stand it. They made a couple of trips to joints & then John drank nearly a pint of 100 proof liquor. Fred had done a lot of painting on the house burning it off where it was bad.

Sept 6 Warm. Went & got Dolores & kids. Steve had to work and they were all here for dinner. Betty's washer is broken so we did a mammoth wash for me & hers also. House is a mess but didn't have a chance to get it cleaned.

Sept 7 Harold Hamilton's birthday.

Sept 12 Alma Owens Ellison's birthday.

Sept 14 Joyce Alma Ellison's birthday.

Sept 16 Leona Severson's birthday.

Sept 21 Geo called for 12:45 I went to church. John was here when I came home, took Geo to work. Did up work & drove to Candor Put in 3.00 gas. They went to Geneva so I showed pictures to the Hills. Had supper & got home about 10:30 Fred got #3.

Sept 22 # Betty & I washed together. She cut my hair & gave me a permanent. John picked up Fred & Geo. Geo got off at Griska where he stayed for three hours, then he wanted to see pony. No one wanted to go. He took bath and we took pictures up to Aunt Leona's where we all looked at them at Luella's Had a very good time. Got home 1:15.

Sept 23 a nice day. We drove to Mansfield to see the pony taking Bobbie, Wayne, David & T.J. & brother. David rode him a lot & was thrown a couple of times. Saw an old organ down in the barn & offered him 5.00 for it & he was going to bring it to me Thursday if the people would take it they wanted 10.00. Got home about 8. I drove both ways. Did my ironing. Geo went right to bed.

Sept 24 Warmer today. Geo was called for 1:30. Did up the work & went up to Dolores about 5:15. Geo came home right after I left. Dolores, Betty & I drove to Sayre to see Alma Ellison who is there for tests. They think she may have a bad gall bladder & if so she's going to stay & have it out. Dolores stopped at Betty's for coffee & dreaded to go home. I got back at 11:30.

Sept 25 Very Very warm. Geo was bumped when he got in. said station was closed & he couldn't telephone. Went to Griska & got him. He blew up there because I wasn't at station to meet him. He came home & took bath dressed all up & we went down town after his teeth 10.00. He got cigarettes & perfume for himself 3.68 & visited the beer joints. Paid 77 for car. Cashed checks for 80.68 & 84.86 checks. He must have bought for others. I had 13 left. Went up to Dolores & peeled her pears this morning. She was cutting out a dress.

Sept 26 Warm cooler tonight. Got yarn 1.35 & material 1.00 for tote bag down to Cooks. Had supper at Dolores and then went after groceries 15.00. Couldn't get oysters at the stores I went. Geo went to book of rules class and then the beer joints. Marked on a job to Scranton called for 12:50 & came home 10 minutes before he was to be at work. Had dinner ready & his lunch up. Fred went on 15 this morning. Betty went to Dolores & washed. He gave me 74.00 this morning & kept 10 for himself.

Sept 27 Stephan Lynn Polovick's birthday. Gave Stephan 2.00. He had a birthday party Wayne invited. We all went up for some cake. Dolores in a big rush as she was going to school.

Oct 1 My mother died 1952.

Oct 2 A very lovely day Fred Betty Dolores & 2 kids & myself went over to Dora's. Dellie & Dora in Binghamton so we went to Harker's where Betty got cans & grapes. Got meat in Spencer. Dolores & Fred got in argument coming home. Dolores said some mighty mean things & then Fred began on Steve which sure made her mad. Tried to shut them up but neither would. When we got home I lit on Fred so he called but Steve was snooty too him & wasn't accepting any apology & tried to talk some sense to her but she told me to go on home.

Oct 3 A very lovely day.

Oct 4 A very lovely day. Betty, Mrs. Harker, Mrs. Stermer & I attended the New York New Jersey State meeting of our lodge had a very nice day. Dinner in .10 store .77 turkey & lunch at diner on way home started at 7 and home 9:15 at night. Blew up when I came home. George had used 15 ½ gal of gas running around night before getting in at 4:30 AM. Geo had been bumped so didn't go to work. Gas 4.85. Paid 3.00 toward it 1.00 parking.

Oct 5 # Rainy. Went to church & cried thro the sacrament of the Lords supper. All I could think of was my mother. Got dinner we didn't do anything. Went to beer joint. Geo bet 15.00 on Braves.

Oct 6 Geo went to work on the BB. I did a big washing before going to neighborhood House for all day meeting on hats. Mad a white beaver cloth. Took down clothes and then went down to Dora's. Put in 3.00 gas. Went to book club with her & got home 1:15 AM. Lovely night. Geo lost. 15.00 Yankees won. Went to races on Caton Ave. The Braves won 4 to 1.

Oct 7 Cloudy. Betty & I went to lodge. Took 5 dresses over to Jean in hopes she'll fix them for herself. Geo didn't get in till about nine.

Oct 8 Got a new pattern today so I went downtown & got cheap material and cut me out a dress. Stitched it up also. Took black knit dress over to Jean. Just monkeyed all day.

Oct 9 # A very nice day. Was just finishing up my work when Geo came home about 3 PM. Watched game. Yankees won Pennant. He went to bed early so Betty & I went to home Bureau at Dorothy Braces. Had a nice time. Took a new member. Mrs Buck on our street. I am on food committee. Two girls dropped out. Georges check 159.00 but not for me.

Oct 10 Cloudy & stormy. Straightened thro the house and then went after groceries. Began to rain very hard when I came out. Tried to pay the taxes but place had closed. Groceries 18.00. Geo had to sign second check. Hope I can get thro next week so we can have two checks ahead but have a lot of expenses.

Oct 11 La Von Yeier 23. Windy – rain & much cooler. Kenneth got his hunting license. I got the nugget cost 4.00 for hook on it & my cross. Got material for feather hat 4.25. Geo got in early around five.

Oct 12 # A lovely day. Didn't do anything all day. Not even to church. Geo slept & ate most of the day. Betty got me a bu. of apples.

Oct 13 Rain all day. Went to Home demonstration all day meeting on hats. Feathers 5.40 & frame 1.25. Came home & canned 13 qts of apples & mad two pies. Cleaned up kitchen. I was about all in.

Oct 14 # Cloudy but not very cold. Betty did a big washing. I went downtown about noon. Paid taxes got Geo a pair of pants 12.00. Betty an umbrella 4.00 & gloves for Dora 1.30. Came home & put beads on them. Fred went to Prichards & didn't come home till after nine. George didn't come till about ten. Got his supper & we went to bed early. Took apple pie to church left glass plate.

Oct 15 George H Ellison 1896. Garrett Hobert. A very lovely fall day. Geo went to work which surprised me very much. John came with a present & Dolores. Did a big washing taking down kitchen curtains. Ann over with eggs 2 doz 1.10. Gave Geo 5.00. Fred gave his car a good cleaning inside & out. Dusted upstairs. John not feeling well took a pk cigarettes tho.

Oct 19 Betty Harker Ellison's and Dora Yeier's birthday.

Oct 23 Herman Harris 69

Leona Sibley's wife birthday

Oct 24 Debra Jean Ellison 5 years 2.00

Oct 27 Donna Lee Ellison 1 yr Doll $ .50.

Oct 31 Mrs Georgia Leona's mother's birthday

Nov 2 Dellie's birthday 1902

Nov 14 My birthday. Blanche Shepherd's birthday. Dolores gave me 5.00. Betty card for home bureau. Dellie pocket book & cake powder. Dora scarf, slip & black half slip.

Nov 20 Bernice Barber Corson's birthday

Nov 24 Steve Polovick 33. Gave Steve a pr of pants gray 2.89.

Nov 25 Douglas George Polovick's 3 yrs Gave a car about 4.00

Dec 6 Donald Yeier 1938

R E Terwilliger Shimerviller Rd. Clarence, NY

Dennis Hayward Ludingto St E Buffalo NY HU 6215

A friend of George's 28934 Dahlhans 903 Laurel St

Frank Klimik Tel 2.3598 414 W Church St Elmira, NY

James Jones 754 Jay St 2-1575 40738

Pat Davis 9-12 3-5361 366 ½ W Gray

Roger Tidderman 523 Jones Ct

Joey Blockberger

F Laumour 923 W Church St

Grace Dalrimple 1128 Broadway

Frank Klemek 414 W Church 2-3598

Read it – Say it – Memorize it.

You can lose weight the easy way.

Just drink a pint of milk each day.

Now take a cup of fruit to eat

and add a half pound of meat.

A slice or two of toast will do

At breakfast with an eff, not two.

A glass of juice will be so neat

Add vegetables – the diets complete.

Have dollars from 1878 to 1891

1878 1921

1879 1922

1881 1923

1882 1924

1883 1925

1884 1926

1885 1927